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"They were good to me, I am the one who fucked up this time," I say staring down at my shoes.

"Okay, get ready, I'll bring the dinner to your room, and I need to tell your Idiot brother about your arrival too," she says changing the topic and taking my bag from my shoulder.

"Did you just call Cardan an Idiot?" I break into a smile.

"I did. I hope we keep this a secret between us." She winks again and walks inside the house, humming a song.
"Oh, how much I missed this" a moan lefts my mouth as I lick my fingers.

"Of course you did, Sweety. And I made these churros, especially for you." She brings the plate full of churros and keeps it on the dining table, coating them with chocolate syrup and powdered sugar.

"So, tell me about your husband." She adds while settling in the chair opposite mine.

"Aron, he's-" The taste of his name on my tongue makes my cheeks turn red. "He's hot, like Hot- HOT, a tough competition for Sebastian Stan" this makes Aunt Vinona laugh. "And he's carrying, sweet, kind, and loving" a sigh leaves my mouth with the last word.

"I like him, Aunt. I hate myself for hurting him, but I don't think I can live without him anymore." A single drop of tears trickles down my cheek.

"You don't have to live without him then, Sweety. I'll talk to him" She gives me a hopeful smile.

"NO," I say immediately. "No, please. I have already hurt him, he's better off without me. Promise me you won't reach out to him."

"As you say, Sweety." She smiles sadly. "You really like him" She adds with a small chuckle.

"When is Cardan comin-" I am cut off in the middle by the sound of someone's footsteps.

"Look who graced us with their presence. Why am I not surprised." Speak of the devil.

Aunt Vinona and I stare at each other with wide eyes before turning our attention to Cardan, standing at the entrance.

Aunt goes to him and takes off his blazer, while I nod at him with a fake smile.

"Oh, cut the act, baby sister. We both know you aren't happy to see me. But guess what? The feelings are mutual" he laughs as his lips lift and form a smirk.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes at him.
Stupid fucker.

"Now now now, don't throw off your attitude in my own house, you don't want to see the outcomes," he says as he walks past me.

"OUR house!" I shout back at him. Only because I got married doesn't mean he'd start calling our house his own.

"Are you sure, little sister?" He says while turning his neck back, staring directly at me with a sly smirk hanging on his lips.

"What do you mean?" I cross my arms across my chest defensively.

"Follow me."

"As if" I scoff.


And I follow him to his study. I stop outside the room while Cardan goes inside and then after a minute two bring out carrying a thick black folder.

"Here," he says dryly as he passes the big fat folder to me.

"What is it? And you want me to read the whole damn thing?" I keep my voice stern trying not to show any interest.

"Just the last page, Valentina. Read it and find out."

I skim through the last page with my mouth agape and my eyes watering. A gasp leaves my mouth as I see my father's thumbprint.

"What the fuck? Why would HE do this?" I say once when I find my voice. My father, he put in a fucking disinheritance clause before dying. Which means I am no longer the 50 Percent owner and the heir of Santos's property.

What more boiled my blood was that Cardan fucking Santos was to inherit his entire estate. I punched the door of Cardan's study with a dry scream. Not bothering about the blood trickling down on the floor.

All the damn money will now go to Cardan. My father left me nothing but a little over a million out of pity. Not that I ever cared about the money, the money meant nothing to me.

Revenge did.

I wanted to reconstruct this mansion and build a school for the daughters of the Made men. It was my mother's dream. Now it's all gone.

But why would he do that? Father loved me.

"Father didn't disinherit you, he loved you." Cardan's echoed my thoughts.

I look up at him with red eyes, asking for an explanation.

"Well, technically he did disinherit you, but practically mhm he did not"

"What the fuck do you mean, Cardan?" I try to keep my voice calm.

"Why don't you have a seat, little sister"

We walk inside his study and settle opposite each other.

"You really think I don't know about your little stunt from a few years ago, don't you?" His cruel laugh fills the whole room.

I open my mouth to speak but he stops me by shaking his head slightly.

"Let me continue. So, let me tell you a story of a little girl- based on true events, sister. Once there was a girl named Valentina who overheard her father talking to his mistress. Valentina starts panicking and crying, but there was no one to her rescue. Little Valentina loved her mother, so she made a plan to kill By her father's mistress to get her mother's revenge. Little Valentina thought she was the only one who knew about her father's affair. But Oh, here's the plot twist - her big brother, Cardan, knew this all along. But he wasn't foolish like Valentina. So instead of killing the mistress, he planned on killing his father. Now one would think the big brother wanted to kill his dad for his mother but nope, he didn't give a fuck about her either. He saw this as an opportunity to take over his father's fortune because he was afraid he'd give it all to his cute little daughter. Little Valentina had a best friend named Sebastian, he hacked into her father's phone and took all the information, but the big brother had his people who hacked into cheater daddy's phone days before the little Sebastian. Now let's skip to the day daddy dearest died. Big brother watches his Little sister shooting daddy's mistress from the camera attached in the basement. Just as big brother was coming with his gun to kill their dear daddy, someone else enters! Guess who? Yes, Matheo Martinez does. He shoots their daddy and leaves the room after calling the clean-up crew. Big brother shreds off some fake tears for his daddy and takes his thumbprint on the clause. Conclusion? Daddy is dead, his mistress is dead, his son is a billionaire and his daughter is in the hospital."

I sit there like a statue, staring at my brother with wide eyes, tears flowing out of them since no one knows when, and knuckles turning white from gripping the handles of the chair too tight.

He lets out a laugh, "How was the story, Valentina?"
It's a short chapter ik. I'll do a double update. i.e. I'll upload another chapter in a few hours. Till then enjoy this <33

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