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Valentina's POV:
"Tina" aunt Vinona calls my name while knocking softly on my bedroom door.

"Yes?" I groan half asleep from my room inside.

"Meet your brother downstairs in his office in 5 minutes, he wants to talk to you." She states. I hear the sound of her footsteps stepping down the stairs finally fading away after a few seconds.

I sigh and sit up straight on my bed after rubbing my eyes I glance at the table clock, it's 3 in the morning. Freak, It must be something really important then, I think, without wasting any time I quickly get up from my bed put on my T-shirt and make my way downstairs.
Where I find Aunt Vinona standing quietly.

"Did something happen, am I in trouble?" I ask. I didn't know what I could have done wrong, I was the most obedient sister anyone could have.

She shakes her head with a smile, her fake smile, "your brother wants to talk to you in his office."

Once I reach outside his office I place my hand on the door knob of my brother's office and turn it slowly.

"You called me" I say nervously playing with my hands.

Cardan has this intimidating physic, which sometimes scares the hell out of me- cold grey eyes, broad shoulders, tall height, wears perfectly tailored suit day or night, I don't know how, rarely smiles in public.

Right now his back is facing me while he is looking outside the window from his chair. The room is dim the only source of light were the candle flames.
He slowly stands up from his Chair and walks towards me.

"Yes" he says finally after a minute or so breaking the silence.

"Is everything alright? It's like 3 in the morning" I say, my voice full of concern.

I swear I see a flash of guilt in his eyes for a second before he turns into his cold self again. Suits him.

"Well my baby sister ever since Father died I've been taking care of you like my own daughter. I've always fulfilled all your wants and needs so I guess It's time for you now to do the same for me" he says while sitting back to his chair carelessly throwing one leg over the other on his table and folding his arms across his chest.

"Sit" he orders.

I definitely don't like this at all. I sink down on one of the chairs across his desk. My six senses notify me something is terribly wrong " wha- what do you mean by that?" I stutter. God, please don't let it be something related to me.

He closes his eyes for a brief second and lets out a sigh before speaking again. "I met Matheo Martinez."

He met the Martinez? Was my brother out of his mind, he could've been murdered right then and there. What was he even thinking? They are our Enemies. Confusion fills me. But I knew better than to interrupt, girls aren't allowed to put their nose in the mob business in our world.

Cardan took over the mafia when father died, it's been a few years and since then we rule this country, but that doesn't stops the Martinezs from trying to bring down our mafia. The fued between the Martinez and the Santos started six decades ago, the last time a Santos and a Martinez met was three decades ago, and that day is still referred as 'the bloody Friday', both the leaders died and since than the Martinez and Santos leader's keep their distance from each other, and it's a surprise that Cardan, my brother met Matheo Martinez and nothing happened.

"We agreed that for peace to be an option we have to become one...family." His eyes bored into mine when he opens his mouth to speak again. "You are going to get married to Aron Martinez" He states, his face showing no expression.

This is so ridiculous that I actually laugh. Oh I know this must be his pre-pre birthday prank for me. Cardan watches me from his place, wait- he's not laughing. He's can't be fucking serious!

"You can't be serious," I scoff.

"I am dead serious, this is not up for debate, it's settled with the Martinezs." He responds dryly.

"I. Am. NOT. Getting. Married. To. A. Fucking. Stranger!" I yell.

"Watch your tongue while speaking to me, I can kill you right here for disrespecting me and no one will care." he spats pretty annoyed. Yes, I've never in my life cursed in front of my brother before. "Just get out now, we've talked enough" he adds taking out his phone from his pocket.

My heart skipped a beat. I felt like I was drowning in the water, I couldn't breath. I needed some air. I needed to go away from my brother as far as possible.
After what felt like hours I start regaining my consciousness. I was told to marry Aron Martinez Son of Matheo Martinez leader of one of the most powerful Mafia in the Country. My mother always wanted me to stay out of the mafia world created by my ancestors but here was my brother marrying me off the the mafia leader's son.

"Why would you do that? Why me?" I ask trying to hold back tears

"I think that's none of your business" he said coldly.

"I doubt that cause it's nobody's but my damn business. It my life! I don't want marry someone I never even saw" I yelled losingy composure.

My brother didn't flinch a bit on my out burst. He leaned in a little and clasped his hands together giving me death glare.

"This feud between the Martinezs and Satnoss has been going on too long, our families are smaller that they should be because of this deadly war going on, too many people lost on both sides. It's time to work as a team and settle down our differences, and it's starts with you. We are meeting the Martinez in a week or so and then you're going to marry Aron after that. You're are expected to behave or else you'll see the consequences. Now get out of my office" he demands

"Cardan, I beg you, please don't let me marry that man, I'm just 19." I whisper, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Please" I sob.

"You're old enough, and-" he starts but stops in between and clears his throat. "Go to sleep, Tina."

"What happened in the meeting?" I ask sharply, standing straight on my place.

"Val-" he starts but I cut him off.

"What the fuck happened in the meeting? They threatened you, didn't they, brother? And you being a pussy cat, agreed to whatever fuck they asked for. You fucking sold you sister to your enemies!" I take a sharp breath and speak again.

"Fuck you, brother." I spat glaring at him.

I turn around to walk out of his office making sure to close the door loudly.
I head straight to my bedroom, lock the door and within a second I fell on my knees and bursted out. I had mixed emotions. I knew then and there that my future was completely eradicated. I wish I had my mother right now.
I couldn't help but cry, Aunt Vinona stroked my hair as my head lay on her lap. She was in her mid 60s and mine and Cardan's caretaker though he doesn't need her now.

"You knew, didn't you?" I ask her in a whishper.

"I did. But I couldn't tell you. Cardan would've killed me. I wish we could go in time where Cardan and you used to eat from my hand and hid behind me whenever you both pissed off your father" Aunt Vinona says in a soft voice, stroking my hair with her hand.

"I know." I say quietly.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
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Qotd: your current read?
Aotd: Twisted lies by Ana huang. I fucking love Christian Harper.

Soooo yes Meet Valentina!!!✨️ & his asshole brother Cardan. ( stole this name from ' The Cruel Prince lmao💀)
Anyways if ya'll loved the chapter then vote and comment!
... and thankies for 100 reads:)
Ok byeeee see ya'll love ya!🌸
xoxo ishita:)

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