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Of course, I'm known for my ruthlessness but I don't kill innocent people, my mom would never love the Aron, I've avoided becoming in the past years.

But I don't really have an option here.

This is it.

Valentina's death is inevitable.

And the Aron I've become just a few minutes ago doesn't give a fuck about that.
Valentina's POV

"Oh, Come on Marco please," I ask for the 47th time, (yes I've been counting it), this time giving him puppy eyes.

"I've told you, I can't do anything" he simply shrugs AGAIN for the 47th time.
I sigh in defeat and stand up to leave.

"Ugh, You're so dramatic. Fine!" He groan while walking toward me.

I turn around and do my victory dance before giving Marco a tight hug while he chuckles.

I've been trying to convince him since morning to take me out somewhere, actually, anywhere away from this house, it's getting really hard to breath in here. I haven't seen Aron since the dinner with his family last week, he's never home actually.

And yeah coming back to right now, Marco finally agreed to take me somewhere, after pleading 47 times.

"Go, get ready. You've got only 5 minutes" he says while texting someone on his phone.
I give him a quick hug and run upstairs with a huge smile.

"You know if you're getting bored we can watch some rom-com or anything, isn't that what girls like?" He asks with a sigh.

"Shut up Marco! The fight scene is going to come" I say with excitement and hear Marco sigh again. We decided to watch a film first and I chose a Crime thriller, which Marco finds boring because whatever they are doing in the film is his daily job.

"I find nothing interesting in it, Valentina. This is what we do all day, fight fight fight. Please I'll die here, right now, from boredom." Marco says dramatically pointing towards the floor.
I chuckle and stand up. "Fine, but then you have to buy me bubblegum flavour ice cream"

He stands up fast showing me a thumbs-up and runs toward the exit of the hall muttering something like 'finally'.


"I've never been this happy" Marco finally says with a sigh, looking away.
I smile and put my head on his shoulder "me too"

After ditching our movie we went to Marco's favourite French cafeteria and had lunch there after our lunch Marco took me to an amusement park which I had never discovered with Jules, and then we decided to prank random strangers to freak them out, (I've been dying to this from forever).

First: we walked up to a girl sitting with a guy and asked her for her autograph saying we saw her on tik-tok and before she could say anything the guy with her stood up and said "Babe, you lied to me? You said you don't have tik-tok", after that they started yelling at each other, then the girl slapped her boyfriend, we tried to tell them it was a prank but they weren't listening so we ran.

Second (this was Marco's idea): we were walking down the street and started laughing out loud like weirdos for no apparent reason, well everyone else started laughing with us too, it was wholesome.

Third: we saw an old man so I ran up to him saying "dad I finally found you". I'm sure Marco will give thousands just to see the old man's reaction again, it was priceless.

Fourth: I was pretending to be Marco's elder sister, and Marco was stomping his foot dramatically while shouting "I don't get it, I don't wanna go to kindergarten!" People started forming a crowd near us so we suddenly started singing "Too sexy for my wife, too sexy for my kids, too sexy for my mother-in-law..." I'm sure most of the people in the crowd were already typing the number of mental hospitals

And now it's almost 7 in the evening and we are sitting on a bench in the central park.

"I think we should head home now?" I ask while looking up at Marco.

"Yes Mam" he stands up and gives me a salute. I roll my eyes and playfully hit him on his shoulder.

"Tina wake up we're home...Tina" I open my eyes slowly to the voice of Marco. I give Marco a tight hug and whisper "I'm So happy I found a friend like you, dumbass" and open my door to get out of the car.

The guards outside the gate salute me and open the gate of Aron's bungalow.

I walk inside and see Aron pacing back and forth but he suddenly stops when he hears my footsteps.
He walks up to me leaving almost no distance between us.
"Where the fuck you've been!?"

I flinch a bit and start taking steps back which doesn't help as Aron starts taking his steps forward until my back is against the wall and Aron put both his hands on either side of my body caging me.

I bite my lips in nervousness which only makes Aron groan.

He moves a bit more closer, and whispers in my ear "I'm asking for the last time, where were you Valentina" his voice is so intimidating that I can feel my whole body burning with the closeness.

"I...um..I was getting bored so....I asked Marco to take me out" I stutter.
He sighs in...relief? but lifts his face up again and stares at me. Hard. I try to look over and my eye catches the cut on Aron's forehead, the blood is still there, the cut is really deep if you look closer.

Aron coughs, which gets my attention and I realize I'm leaning onto Aron. I move my face back.

"Sorry...I was..seeing the wound on your forehead" I mutter as my cheeks turn red due to embarrassment.
Ayoo...ch7...ik this chapter was boring af but *smirk smirk* next chapter would live up to your expectations (hopefully)

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