Not my Business

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The next day, I tell Chaeryeong everything that happened. She couldn't believe that my mother would hit me. Maybe I was pushing her buttons but I believe there was nothing wrong with anything I said.

"This is crazy. Your life is full of drama" she seems amazed.

"And they're not even my drama" I shake my head.

"What is your brother's plan with the girl?" She asks.

"I don't know and I don't really care. I want to focus on my life now. I can't keep sharing his responsibilities. I have my own issues" I sigh.

"Like your mom" she says and I nod.

"I know I'm stubborn and I keep fighting with her but I'm actually afraid that she will kick me out when she finds out" I cover my face and I take a deep breath.

"You're free to stay with me if that happens" my best friend offers and I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" She's clearly confused.

"Because it's funny that someone, you, who doesn't live with her would also know that there's a high chance that I'll get kicked out because of who I am that they even offered that I can live with them. It's even more laughable at the fact that my dad probably wouldn't stop her" I feel my frustration again.

"Sometimes I wonder if my life would be like this if my biological mom didn't die. Would I be this unhappy with my life? Would she accept me? Would my dad still be pitiful?" I uncover my face and I put my hands on my desk.

"There's no sense in thinking the what ifs because this is your life now. You should be thinking about what to do to move forward. Don't think about what life could have been because it will hurt you more" Chaeryeong places her hand on top of mine.

Haechan walks into the classroom so Chaeryeong pulls her hand away as fast as she can. The two of us were the only ones in the classroom since we both arrived early.

Beomgyu and I always drive separately but we usually go to school at the same time. Lately, I've been leaving early to avoid him. I'm not sure why but I know that's the reason.

"I'm starting to think that you're rejecting me because you and Chaeryeong are actually dating" he jokes.

"I'd rather die" Chaeryeong says then gives me an apologetic look. She's so extreme sometimes. A simple no could have had the same impact on rejecting the idea of us dating.

"You two have been coming here early lately. What's the deal? Why are you leaving me out?" He tries to act all hurt.

Haechan is my friend but I don't really trust him like how I trust Chaeryeong. There are moments when I feel like he's only friends with me because he thinks there's a chance that we can be more.

"I'm just taking my studies seriously now" I make up a lame excuse.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Not once in your high school life did I ever see you put in actual effort in studying. You're just naturally smart and it annoys me" he chuckles.

"Maybe I do think you're stupid" I laugh and he pretends to want to hit me while he smiles.

In the middle of teasing Haechan, Chaeryeong nudges me as she points at the door. Yuna is waving for me to go to her.

"I'll be right back" I say to the two.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" I worriedly ask her because she doesn't usually come see me at school unless she needs something or if there's an emergency.

"Lia wants to speak with you. She's outside the school waiting" my eyes widen with that information.

Why would Lia suddenly want to see me? Did she magically develop feelings for me when we saw each other? What about her girlfriend? Am I gonna be involve in another drama?

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