Meet Up

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"Why are you so worked up about this whole Beomgyu situation? It's not your problem that he got someone pregnant?" My best friend asks.

I shared with her what happened at 4 am this morning and how my brother is planning to meet up with the girl after school today.

"I honestly don't know. When he told me about it, I just felt guilty and disappointed because I don't know if she gave consent. I had the opportunity to stop him but I didn't so if she didn't give consent then I'm at fault too" I sigh.

"Also, Beomgyu is not fit to be a dad. He loves parties and alcohol too much. He's too young. Then what if this girl had her dreams and life figured out? Having a baby is a big change."

"But what if she did give consent? Then she's at fault too. They decided to have sex, knowing that there's a chance of getting pregnant so stop stressing out over this" she pats my back.

"Now tell me what's really bothering you?" She asks and I give her a weird look.

"You and your mom fought again, right?" She's like a mind reader.

"Yuna shared with her about Lia and Somi. As I expected, she doesn't believe women should be with other women. I even brought up how I don't want to be a lawyer or a doctor and that didn't end well. I'm just unhappy, Ryeong."

"Then Beomgyu shared this news and all I could think about was how this girl's life is gonna change. I guess I've always shared the responsibilities whenever Beomgyu made a mistake. He and I were always together and we got in trouble together so I felt like it was my fault too that this happened because I didn't look out for him."

Chaeryeong is about to say something but the bell rings and the teacher walks in right after.

During class, I didn't really pay attention like I should have. I'm trying to figure out how I can talk to my mom without her winning and making me feel guilty for doing something I want.

I'm also thinking about how I'm gonna share with her that I'm gay. I wish she doesn't try to act like a perfect family and that she would stop expecting perfection from us because we're not perfect.

After class, Chaeryeong and I walk to our second period together.

"Ryujin" Haechan hooks his arm on my shoulders so I elbow him in his stomach.

He removes his arms off me right away, "What was that for?"

"I'm making the line clear. If I start letting you do that then you might think you have a chance with me which will never happen" I say.

"You don't know that. I might grow on you" he goes in front of me and starts walking backward.

"I do though. Haechan, you and I are never gonna happen. The best I can offer is friendship" I push him aside and he's walking next to me now.

"Leave her alone now" Chaeryeong speaks up.

"Hey, I thought you were rooting for us" he pretends to be sad.

"I was but I don't like pushy guys and that's what you're being" I'm not sure if she means that or if she's just saying it because she now knows what I like.

"Well, look at that. We're in front of our next class, see ya" I say to Haechan and I enter the room right away.

I sit down and Chaeryeong sits in front of me. She turns around, "Is Beomgyu gonna tell your parents about the whole pregnancy thing?"

"I don't know. I hate this sharing responsibility thing because now I agreed to go with him to see her. How awkward would that be? Not just for me but for her too. Some stranger is there while you announce your pregnancy to a one night stand."

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