Sister Talk

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"How was your date?" My sister, Yuna, barges into my room while I'm working on my homework.

"Will you shut up? What if mom and dad hear you or Beomgyu" I throw my notebook at her.

She catches it and I curse her athleticism.

She sits on my bed and places the notebook next to her.

"Well, I want to know. Did you kiss? Are you having a second date?" She's eager for the answers.

I stop my drawing and I spin my chair to face her.

"No, we didn't kiss" I shake my head.

"Probably should have experienced that before telling her that I only saw her as a friend" I mumble to myself.

"What was that?" Yuna asks what I'm mumbling about.

"Nothing" I quickly say.

"What do you want?" I pretend to be annoyed that she went to my room.

"I'm just curious how your date went. When am I gonna meet her?" She pouts.

I smile to show her that I'm not really annoyed.

"I hate to break it to you but there will not be a second date. We decided to just be friends" I inform her.

"Why?" She whines with her eyes wide open.

"What did you do? Were you moving too fast? Too eager? Were you acting like a loser? Did you say corny jokes?" My sister puts all the blame on me.

"What the fuck, Yuna? Why are all the reasons you listed because of me? Maybe it was her that ruined it?" I ask in disbelief.

She shrugs her shoulders like it's no big deal, "I just pictured you did something stupid."

"Thanks" I roll my eyes and she has a smirk on her face.

"But in all seriousness, why didn't it work out?" She asks.

"I really don't know. When we first set up the date, I was excited but when the date happened and I just couldn't connect with her. It felt like I was just hanging out with a friend. It was my first date so I had nothing to compare it to but I thought I would at least feel something if I liked the person" I say.

"Wow. I really hope I have better game than you and Beomgyu when I decide to start dating" She's teasing again.

"I have game. I just don't use it if I don't have feelings for the person" I try to defend myself but I don't know if I do have game or not.

Thinking back to how the date went with Karina, I felt like I was being awkward.

"You'll find someone great" she tries to be supportive now.

"Who's gonna find someone great?" Our mom walks by my room. Yuna never closed the door.

"Ryujin. She's at the age where she's actually interested in dating" Yuna answers right away so I glare at her but she's not looking at my direction.

I don't know how our mom feels about us dating. She never really mentioned anything about it aside from Beomgyu and Yeji but I feel like that's a different situation.

"Do you really think that's a good idea? You're about to graduate soon and go to college. You don't have time to date" I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

"Plenty of people date in college, mom" Yuna is unhappy. She didn't think this is how our mom would react.

"I know they do but Ryujin should focus on her studies first. If she meets someone in college then she can date as long as it doesn't affect her grades then I'm okay with it but dating someone now then going to college? I don't think it's a good idea. Long distance is hard if you don't attend the same school" our mom states surprising me because she actually sounds like a mom.

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