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"Why weren't you answering my texts over the weekend?" Chaeryeong wakes me up from my deep slumber in the classroom.

"I was busy" I keep my head on the table.

"Doing what?" She questions.

"Just busy with Beomgyu" I partially tell her the truth.

"I'm starting to think you attend those crazy parties that our classmates throw. Every time there's a big party, you become busy" my mouth becomes dry but luckily she can't see my face right now.

"Ryeong, do you miss me that much?" I playfully say to distract her. I sit properly now so she can see my face.

"No. I just want to make sure that you behave yourself. I don't think you use your head well when I'm not around."

"Excuse you? I use my head extremely well in all circumstances" I roll my eyes.

"Why are you in school early if you're just gonna sleep anyways?" She settles into her seat.

Fortunately, Chaeryeong and I all have the same classes this year. It's literally the only way I would accept my senior year.

"Because I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so I thought why not become like you and go to school early" I tease her.

"You know you could have been number one in our class if you tried hard enough. I mean you're smart enough but you're lazy" her mom mode is on.

"It's okay. I'm happy you're the top of our class. I know how hard you work for it" I smile at her.

"You didn't slack off because of me, right? I will slap you if that's you did" She's using her scary voice now.

"No! You've earned it fair and square" I say right away.

"Hey, Ryujin" my friend Haechan joins us now.

"What's up hedgehog?" I playfully say.

"I wish you'd give me a cuter nickname" he pouts.

"Hedgehogs are cute" I inform him.

"So you think I'm cute?" He's all smiley now.

"I said hedgehogs, not you. Just because I call you hedgehog, it doesn't mean that you're cute like them."

"You're always so mean to me" he sits down on his seat which is in front of me.

Haechan is a year older than us so he should have graduated already but he's too dumb so he got held back so we're in the same graduating class now.

"Why don't you two just date?" Chaeryeong shakes her head.

"Eww" I pretend to puke.

"I'd like for that to happen but as you can see Ryujin is being stubborn" Haechan states.

"I'm not being stubborn. I'm not interested."

My friends don't know that I actually prefer women. No one knows this information because if my stepmom finds out then she's gonna go ballistic. She will lose that perfect image she has of a daughter if I tell her that I'm attracted to other women.

Chaeryeong doesn't even know because I'm afraid she's gonna stop being friends with me. Whenever the topic of same sex relationships comes up, she always looks uncomfortable. If people sometimes mistake us for a couple, she freaks out and tells them 'no' numerous times like being with me is the worst thing in the world.

"Did you guys hear that Somi and Lia are dating? I guess people saw them making out at Mark's party over the weekend. Did you see it?" Haechan looks at me and I panic. I'm probably extremely pale right now. I'm afraid to look to my side to see if Chaeryeong is glaring at me or not.

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