Dinner Date

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I'm currently drawing in my room when I hear Beomgyu walk into the house. He's not really a quiet person so he likes to make a scene wherever he goes. I think he likes the attention.

"Yeji, can we talk?" I hear him knock on her door.

Yeji's room is between mine and Yuna's. I also have my door open right now.

I don't hear anything else after that. Beomgyu is probably gonna talk to her about what they are to each other since they're having a baby together.

That still feels surreal to me. My brother is gonna be a dad.

After about an hour, I stop working on my drawings and I just laid in bed to watch TV. About halfway through my movie is when I hear Beomgyu leave Yeji's room. It must have been a long conversation.

A part of me is curious but a part of me also doesn't care. It's a confusing thought but I have it often. No one and nothing stresses me out more than myself. I'd like to think that it's my talent.

My curiosity doesn't last long because my brother sees my open door and sees it a welcome sign.

"Hey monkey" he greets.

"Hey, jackass" I return his greeting.

"I found an old picture of you by the way" I take out my phone to show him a picture of an actual donkey.

I laugh but he doesn't find it funny.

"So, I talked to Yeji" he pulls up my office chair and he sits practically next to me.

I don't say anything because he's gonna share what they talk about whether I ask him or not.

"I don't remember her looking that pretty though. Everything was a blur from yesterday so I didn't really pay attention but seeing her up close today" he clicks his tongue, "Wow, is all I can say."

"But she agreed on getting to know each other and see where that takes us. If we can make it work then that's great and we can be a family but we're not gonna force it" he pauses.

"But I really want it to work. I think this is my sign for me to stop being an idiot and take life seriously now. I have a family to provide for" he seems genuinely happy.

"You're ready for that?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "Not one bit but I don't think anyone is really ready for parenthood but we just have to try our best."

"You'll support me, right? We've always been together since we were kids and we've always done things together, good or bad. I can't do this without you" he's showing his emotions now.

Beomgyu and I have always done things together. We work together a lot, we play together and we even get in trouble together.

"I'm not asking you to do anything but I just want to know that you support my decisions" he clarifies.

"I'll try" I say to show my support since Yeji does seem like a good person so she might be good for him.

"Thanks" he has a big smile on his face.

"Are you gonna tell mom? I'm sure she's probably thinking of ways to get rid of Yeji" I say kind of joking. I wouldn't be surprised if our mom is actually looking for ways to get rid of Yeji.

"Yea. I think she will be happy because then I won't have a child with some random woman. I'll be having a child with someone I'm with."

"You really want this?" I question.

He nods his head, "I think so. When we were talking, I felt so comfortable with her already."

"She is easy to talk to" I comment.

Family AffairsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon