Ice Cream

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"Do I have to go?" I whine to my parents.

We're currently having dinner now. Yeji joined us but my mom is not happy about it. There's been an awkward tension but all of us are just ignoring it.

She's sitting in between Beomgyu and I since she's most comfortable with us two. Yuna is asking her questions and is trying to get to know her too. I didn't expect anything less from my younger sister. She is the nicest one out of the three of us so she's very welcoming.

"Yes you do. All of us are going. It's a big event for the hospital and you know that" my mom sighs because I'm making things difficult for her again instead of just being compliant with her wishes.

"The whole family has to go, Ryujin. We should support your mom" my dad shows his support and I roll my eyes.

The hospital my mom works at is having a big party. It's supposed to be a charity event but I'm sure everyone is just attending to show off how perfect their family is and that includes my mom.

"Then can Yeji come?" Beomgyu asks and my parents freezes. It's funny too because my dad was just about to take a bite of his food and he stopped halfway while my mom is glaring at my brother.

"She is a part of our family now. She's carrying Beomgyu's child" Yuna joins.

I watch our parents to see how they're gonna react. Clearly, they're not happy but I am. Since Beomgyu and Yuna are on board with Yeji being with us, it's gonna be tougher for them to reject her or try to kick her out.

That might not be their plan but knowing them, I'm sure it is. At least it's our mom's plan but our dad will just remain quiet throughout the whole thing.

"Sure" our mom forces a smile and I want to laugh out loud. Once Yuna is involved, they seem to be more lenient. Maybe because she's the youngest?

"It's okay. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable" Yeji looks down.

I follow her gaze then I notice Beomgyu holding her hand. At least, he's being a supportive boyfriend to her. I look away because it felt weird seeing that. I think it's because I've never seen Beomgyu with a girl like this where he's nice.

"Yuna is right. You're a part of this family now" Beomgyu assures her.

"My question is, why do I have to go? Aren't you worried that I'll embarrass you? I'm a wild child, you know?" I state and Yuna chuckles.

There's nothing wild about me and Yuna knows that.

"She can go but keep the pregnancy news to yourselves. I don't need people talking about Beomgyu becoming a teenage parent" they continue eating.

I'm about to argue but Yuna kicks me from under the table so I keep my mouth shut instead.

For the rest of the dinner, our parents discussed the rules and reminders of how we should be acting for that night. I keep trying to get out of it but they keep saying I have no choice. I even used Chaeryeong as an excuse and how were hanging out this Saturday but I didn't listen because the event is on Friday night so I can do both.

Afterward, our parents go to their room and the rest of us go out in the backyard. Well, I went out and they followed me. Sometimes having quiet time for yourself is hard in this house.

"Ryujin, play with me" Beomgyu whines and I look over at Yeji to find her smiling at him. At least she finds this cute if they're gonna spend a long time together. I could never do it but to each their own.

I don't know if it's the night sky or what but the way the moonlight hits her face shows a different beauty in her that I never noticed before. It does look nice to see her smiling instead of crying or afraid.

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