Meeting Again

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The party is over and we're in the car on our way home. My anger came back as soon as I saw my mom looking all happy after the party.

I keep my mouth shut though because I don't have the energy to fight tonight. After letting myself go in front of Yeji, all I want to do is get on my bed and sleep.

She's talking about how much fun she had and she talks about the gossips she's heard about her colleagues.

"Kids, if you two just follow my plans for you then you wouldn't have to struggle like some of the kids there" she sounds so proud like she's doing a great a job at being our mother.

"Plans" I scoff while thinking about the whole Yeonjun situation.

She ignores me, probably so I won't ruin her good night.

"Did you two have fun tonight?" My dad asks Yuna and I.

Yuna excitedly answer because she got to hang out with friends without talking about sports.

"How about you, Ryujin?" My dad looks at me through the rear view mirror.

"It was okay" I answer with annoyance.

He sighs and he focuses on driving.

"Wasn't Yeonjun nice?" My mom turns her head to look at me.

I roll my eyes.

"Ryujin, will you stop being rude?" Her tone changes.

Yuna takes my hand to let me know to not fight back but it's hard. I can't believe she would ask about Yeonjun.

"Sooyoung, just leave her be. She's probably tired" my dad tries to take my side.

"I'm always the bad guy. You do everything for them and they're so ungrateful. I wish my parents did to me what I'm doing for you kids" she comments.

At this point, my jaw is clenched while biting my tongue. I'm trying so hard to keep my mouth shut but she's making it hard.

"When are you and Yeonjun gonna see each other again?" She asks like she completely forgot my dad telling her to leave me alone.

"Never" I answer through my teeth.

My answer surprises her and she turns her body to face me now, "Never? Didn't he ask to see you again?"

"What? We're you expecting him to ask me out? I can't believe you would do that. He told me your plan with his dad. You wanted us to date. How could you do that to me? How could you try to set me up like that? You're not even gonna give me the chance to find someone for me?" I lose it.

Yuna let my hand go and I feel guilty for not being able to hold it in.

"Mom, did you really do that?" Yuna ask.

"Sooyoung, I told you that's crossing the line" my dad shows that he's upset.

"This will help Ryujin with her future. Yeonjun is gonna go to med school and he will take over as director in the hospital in the future. Ryujin marries him and she will be set for life" my mom tries to explain.

"Stop the car" I say to my dad.

"What? I'm not stopping the car, Ryujin" my dad sternly say.

"I can't be in the car with her right now!" I snap.

Yuna takes my hand again.

"I can't do this! You've gone too far! You're trying to take away the little control I have in my life. I can't even choose who I'm going to spend my life with? Being a mother is not just providing a better future for your kids, you're supposed to guide us and support us. You're just telling me what to do and whenever I try to stop you, you find ways to make me feel guilty!"

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