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A few weeks passed by since Yeji and I started talking again. It's kind of cool that things didn't become awkward between us like I expected. It's like those weeks of us not talking didn't happen.

Things are also still the same with Beomgyu and Yeji. They're still becoming close to each other and that's bittersweet for me. Ever since I've come to terms with having feelings for Yeji, I can't help but feel jealous when my brother is with her.

I'm glad he's taking care of her but I'm also sad because he gets to be with her. He will always be a part of her life because they'll have a kid together. I feel like once the baby is born then where do I fit in Yeji's life?

Once we're graduated and moved out then I won't be able to see her as much but Beomgyu and Yeji might live together. I'm not sure if I can handle the idea of them as a family so I don't know if I can be around them.

"Are you ready?" I knock on Yeji's open door.

She smiles once she realizes it's me.


"We're only visiting for the weekend. Do you really need that much stuff?" I chuckle seeing Yeji's giant suitcase.

"Yes. I have snacks here that I crave. I doubt anyone will want to go out in the middle of the night to get me things" she states.

"Right" I slowly say. I didn't want to tell her that I would actually go out and get whatever she wanted. It wouldn't matter to me what time of the day it is.

She spends a few more minutes putting the last of her clothes before she zips up her suitcase, "All done," she lays right on top of it, showing that she's tired.

"You can rest in the car" I walk over to her to help her get up.

She reaches for my hand and it takes everything in me to not freak out. It's not the first that I've held her hand but it's something I can't get used to or get sick of.

She grunts as she pulls herself and I do my best to support her along the way.

"I can't wait to not be pregnant" she laughs.

"Is it hard?" I take her suitcase and we start walking out of her room to the stairwell.

"It has its ups and downs. Morning sickness is not fun. I feel like I get tired easily since I've been pregnant. Now that my belly is big, it's tough to move around."

"I see" I nod my head while I carry her bag down the stairs.

"I don't know if I recommend it though" she says in a joking way and I chuckle.

"Finally, you two are done. I thought I had to send a rescue team up there" Yuna exaggerates.

"Calm down. You have all weekend to hang out with Lia" I shake my head.

"I miss her, okay? She's my best friend" she pouts.

"Yea yea. Get your butt in the car" I open the door.

"I can carry my own bag" Yeji tries taking her suitcase from me but I quickly pull it away.

"Nope. Not on my watch" I gesture for her to walk out the door.

I'm the last one out and I put her bag in the back of my car. Yuna takes the backseat because she thinks that Yeji might be more comfortable in the front passenger seat.

"You're not gonna say bye to Beomgyu?" Yuna asks Yeji while I start my car.

"We already said our goodbyes this morning. He left early to go somewhere" Yeji shrugs her shoulders.

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