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Originally posted in December of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Aneko

Meaning: older sister

Life story:

You are a beautiful dog demon. At a young age you lost many people close to you. Your people were overrun by many stronger demon, and no one made it. In a desperate attempt to save you, your mother put you and your sister into a boat, and pushed you out into the water.

Eventually you came upon some other dog demon, who took care of you and your sister. After they died, you and your sister set out on your own. You were devastated that everyone dear to you was dying, and so you searched for power with the hope that you could protect your sister.

Two centuries passed and your sister was killed by a demon when you'd left her alone for a while. You immediately killed the demon who had hurt her, and although you tried your best to help her, your sister died that night.

Years later, you heard that the Jewel of Four Souls l had broken, and that fragments of it were now scattered everywhere. You set out in search of jewel shards, hoping to find them all, and restore the life of your late sister.

On your travels you've met many different people. Dog demons, wolf demon, half-demons, and humans.

Abilities: swordsmanship (Demon Sword); true form (giant dog)

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She's just a stuck up dog demon. Myōga's told us some stuff about her.

Kagome: Myōga-jiichan said that everyone she ever knew was killed. She needs to move one, though I'm guessing that's not as easy as it sounds.

Sango: Apparently she's had everyone she knew die, and there was nothing she could do. I guess for that reason I can relate to her.

Miroku: She comes of quite cold.

Shippō: She's kind of scary.

Kikyō: I do not know this woman you speak of.

Kaede: I do not know anyone by that name.

Myōga: I've heard tell of her. I believe she knew the Great Dog Demon.

Kōga: I've seen her. She didn't say a word, though.

Naraku: If she's after jewel shards I may be able to use that to my advantage.

Byakuya: I've had to see her a couple of times.

Kagura: Who?

Kanna: I've seen her in my mirror.

Hakudōshi: I think she's the newest pawn Naraku's going to use.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her heart is cold and scarred.

Mōryōmaru: I hardly know a thing about her.

Sesshōmaru: I met her long ago.

Jaken: I wasn't there when Sesshōmaru-sama met her.

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