Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 73 - Loyalty

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[Stuttgart Safe House - Nine Hours Later After Interrogation]

(Time went by quickly as Gero and his team read through the crime reports for the whole of Germany for the last 10 years and they've only finished eight months worth of reports and everyone was tired. Good thing they divided the workload with the KSK so they'll be reading 5 years each)

"All of that reading and we only managed to reach eight months.." Takashi said

"I don't think I've read so many words that much with all my years in high school.." Alisa said

"I never knew so much crime happens in one year..I just got a little bit scared of the world now.." Klara said

"Better get ready..there's more where that came from.." Sgt. Sakurai said

"No..let's call it a night for now..you all did great..but no point in burning you out right now..get some rest all of you.."

(The girls agreed and decided to rest when Kal, Takashi and Ono stood up)

"Taichou..request permission to continue a little bit longer.." Kal said

"It's your first night..there's no need to overwork.."

"It's not overwork sir.." Takashi smiled

"Come on Taichou..you know we can handle it.." Ono said

"Alright..permission granted..but for two hours only..and I'll be joining you.."

"Roger!" the boys responded

"The rest of you get some rest..don't worry about security because KSK got us covered.."

(After two grueling hours of reading through crime reports the guys started to feel the fatigue get to them. They were able to go through another four months worth of reports which was big progress. Everyone was yawning and stretching except for Gero who showing no signs of fatigue)

"I'm calling it quits now guys..see you tomorrow.." Takashi said

"Same for me.." Kal added

"Great work..rest up gents.."

"What about you?" Ono asked

"I'll just get some fresh air a bit then I'll hit the sack also.."

"Alright..I wonder what time it is in Japan now.." Ono said

"Seven hours difference, so probably 7am?" Kal said

"I see.."

"What's wrong Ono?" Takashi asked

"It's nothing..good night guys.."


(The rest of the boys now went to their rooms and tucked themselves in for a good night's rest. Gero on the other hand was just sitting by the balcony and enjoying the night sky alone but not for long)

"Can't sleep?" Klara called out

"You too?"

"Just got up to get some water..then I saw you here..mind if I join you?"

"Not at all.."

(Klara then sat on the opposite side of Gero and gazed at the starry sky as well)

"If we weren't on this mission this would've been a great memory to remember..just staring at this beautiful sky.." Klara smiled

"As long as we all get home safely..it can still be a great memory.."

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