Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 59 - Iron Fangs

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(The Quarter Finals have now begun and eight schools are now fighting each other for a position to proceed to the Semi Finals. Kuromorimine is against Rethymno Academy and their main tank formation is now headed for point delta which was a cluster of trees)

"All tanks halt!" Erika ordered

"What's the plan Kommandant?" Koume asked

"Sango head up the vantage point bravo in the map and try to spot the enemy tank formation..we need to know what we're up against first.."

"Jawohl Kommandant!" Sango responded and headed out

"Bakatora..place your team west of our position and wait for my command.."

"Jawohl my Kommandant!"

(Gero's team now headed out as ordered by Erika)

"What's on your mind Kommandant?" Sakuraba asked

"I have a feeling we're against not just German tanks..these new schools can be very unpredictable.." Erika said

[Vantage Point Bravo]

"Kommandant! We have arrived at the vantage point!" Sango radioed

"What do you see?" Erika radioed back

"The main unit of Rethymno is on their way to the east! As far as I can see they have Panzer IVs, Panzer IIs, and Panzer IIIs!" Sango reported

"Anything else?" Erika asked

"Wait! There's more tanks behind them! I see five Two Type 3 Chi Nu tanks! A total of twelve tanks!" Sango said

"Looks like you were right Kommandant! They also have Japanese tanks!" Koume said

"Yeah..those Japanese tanks can pack a punch..it would've been bad if we got ambushed by them..but only twelve? Where could the other three be?"

"What's next Kommandant?" Sakuraba asked

"We'll head east as well and confront them..force them to separate then Bakatora's team will hunt them down from behind!"


"Shouldn't we wait for Gero-san's team?" Koume asked

"They can catch up..with those tanks I know we can handle them by ourselves.." Erika smiled

"Understood!" Koume responded

"Oh and also...Sango please assist our lovely new tank to your vantage point and wait for further orders.."

"You got it Kommandant!" Sango smiled

[Rethymno Tank Formation]

"Commander! Looks like Kuromorimine took the bait and will be engaging us at the east!" Onishi radioed

"Good..continue with your route and we'll meet up at the designated point!" Maizama responded

"Roger that! But be advised I only saw six tanks including their Jagdtiger and I wasn't able to spot the White Tiger.." Onishi said

"Don't worry..we'll see him soon enough once their commander is in danger..as for the rest of their tanks maybe Kuromorimine entered the match with less than fifteen?" Maizama said

"Wouldn't that mean they're underestimating us?" Onishi asked

"No..they're not that kind of people to do that..be alert for any unknowns!" Maizama ordered

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