Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 36 - Seven Seats of Senshado

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[Triple SSS Main Office - Tokyo, Japan]

(Every member of Seven Seats and the two representatives are now present at their main office to conduct a meeting regarding the tournaments and events that will be occurring soon)

"Thank you everyone for coming all the way here to Tokyo for our meeting..I know you all are busy at your colleges so we appreciate the dedication you all are showing.." Kikuyo said

"It's nothing Kikuyo-sama for it is our job.." Darjeeling said

"Well you don't have to worry about our college affairs Kikuyo-san.." Anchovy said

"Why is that?" Kikuyo asked

"All of us here except for the representatives and Asparagus-san have decided to work diligently here at Triple SSS for the whole year and we'll go to college or our desired universities next year.." Maho said

"Oh my I hope your parents aren't angry and displeased with that decision of yours.." Kikuyo said

"It's quite the opposite actually..they were happy that I found work immediately after high school so it all worked out.." Kay said

"Same for my parents..they were very proud to say that I have become an independent woman that now works to provide for her own needs.." Katyusha said

"You still look like a kid though Kat-chan.." Kay said

"Shut up!"

"All of you are amazing you already have planned out what you want to do huh?" Asparagus said

"What about you Asparagus-san?" Kikuyo asked

"I'll be doing my work here while attending college..but do not be worried I'll be properly doing my share of the work the best I can!"

"I know you will Asparagus-san..you were specifically chosen to be a member here because of your diligence and sense of responsibility.."

"Thank you Kikuyo-sama.."

"What about our representatives over there? You already have a college to attend to?" Kay asked

"I'll be working full time here for now since I have no college yet to go to..looking forward to working with you all!" Oowada said

"Likewise! And you Yamato-san?" Anchovy asked

"I'll be attending Red Wings Academy's college section but I too will not slack off on my work..pleased to work with you all.." Kaede said

"So with that being said let us begin our meeting.." Kikuyo said

"Yes!" everyone responded

(As they begin the meeting Kikuyo discussed the basic work they need to do and informed them of the necessary procedures they have to do as well as rules of the Japanese Senshado Federation with regards the Senshado Tournament)

"That's everything that you all need to know..any questions?" Kikuyo asked

"When will we stop accepting tank approval requests for the tournament?" Oowada asked

"We will no longer entertain requests a month before the tournament Oowada-kun.." Kikuyo said

"Kikuyo-san will there be a limit to how many armored cars the schools can field?" Kay asked

"Yes each school can only field up to 5 armored cars.."

"Roger that.."

"Ok no more questions? Let's now review the tank approval requests that have been submitted so far.." Kikuyo said

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