Chapter 3 - Onwards to Senshado

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[Matsumoto Household - Tokyo]

"Well kuso-jiji were off to an unknown adventure of Senshado"

(Matsumoto ignoring his son's words)

"Ono-kun! Ken-kun! I'm counting on you alright!"

"You got it Matsumoto-san!"

"We won't let Matsu-kun out of our sight!"


(Suddenly Matsumoto hugged Gero)

"Oi kuso-jiji what are you doing?"

(Gero felt the hug get tighter)

"No matter what happens, no matter what you decide on, this is your home and I will always be here for you, my son,remember that"

(Gero just smiled and hugged his father back)

"Itikimasu oto-san, I'll do my best and I won't let you down"

"I know you won't"

(They separated from the hug and said their goodbyes)

*brooom *brooom

(The engines of the Tiger I started up and they are on their way to the port)

"Hey Ono how far to the port?"

"Probably 30mins more Gero so please stop asking every 5 minutes"

"But my ass hurts so much from riding in this tin can!"

"Come on Matsu-kun all three of us are just feeling the same as you!"

"I've been wondering how the hell are you able to drive a tank Ken?"

"Like I said I've had some simulation practice from the games I played"

"Hope you know what you are doing Ken cause I don't want to get lost"

"Ken has gotten us this far right? Trust in him more Gero"

"I do trust him I just feel a little nervous in this adventure of ours"

(Ono had a little chuckle)

"Me too Gero, both nervous and excited"

"Well since Ken is our driver then I'll be gunner and Ono will be loader?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"But who'll be the commander?"

"Who else but you Matsu-kun!"

"Huh?! Both gunner and commander? You gotta be kidding right?"

"You can do it Taichou!"

(Gero let out a big sigh)

"Don't blame me for anything alright?"

"We trust you'll make the right decisions"

"But we still need a radioman so we are still one man short"

"Don't worry about that I already have the perfect guy"

"Really? Who did you get?"

"You'll see when we get to port"

[Tokyo Port]

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