Chapter 5 - First Tank Practice

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"Yo girls Hisashiburi" a woman in military uniform greeted with a smile.

"What brings you here Sensei?" Anzu asks

"Well Kodatani-kun I thought to see for myself the first boys of Senshado"

"Oh well then here they are 4 boys and a Tiger!" Anzu smiling

"Nice to meet you boys I'm Ami Chouno of the J.S.D.F and I supervised the training of these girls before."

"It's nice to meet you Instructor Chouno!" the four greeted in unison

(Chouno approached Gero and stared at him deeply)

"Hmmm so he must I suspected" Chouno thought to herself

"Y-yes Instructor?" Gero asked

"You must be the commander of this team right? You have that vibe about you"

"O-Oh yes I am Gero Matsumoto position is gunner and commander!"

"A Tiger I huh..and that number..isn't that?" Chouno looked at Miho

(Chouno decided to let it go because no use in dwelling on it now)

"A fine tank you have here boys put it to good use"

"Well then I'm expecting great things for you guys! Show them what boys can do!"

"YES!" the four shouted

(Miho was just smiling at Gero with a blush seeing what an amazing person he was)

"Nishizumi-chan let's get practice going now"

(Miho snapping back to reality)

"Ah ri-right everyone mount your tanks and let's start practice!"

"YES COMMANDER!" everyone replied

"Since you're new here boys I want to see you guys operate that tank and we will adjust from there." Chouno said

"Well you heard the lady mount up boys!"

"Roger Taichou!"

(With that the four boys started up the tiger and proceeded to practice)

"Ken you ready to show some appeal to the girls?"

"You bet ya Matsu-kun!"

"Just don't pass out Tsugomoto-san alright?"

"I WON'T !"

"Ahaha poor Ken-chan"

[Ooarai Observation Tower]

"Alright let's do some basic tank mobility!" Chouno said via radio

"Alright then let's do this!"

(The Tiger entered the tank mobility course on the field)

*Tiger turns left and right *stops and forwards *emergency reverse into a corner

"Hoo that driver has some skills" Chouno said

(The other girls are watching from the side)

"Look at that Tiger move! So fast and smooth!" Noriko Isobe said from Duck Team

"They are making it look like it doesn't weigh 50 tons at all!" Yukari said

"Ohh I like that Tiger you think we can have a drag race with our Leopon?" Tsuchiya said

"Alright boys now for some shooting practice to test you accuracy!" Chouno said via radio

"Taichou your up"

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