Chapter 20 - Purple Rookie

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[Ooarai Field Hospital - 9AM - The Next Morning ]

*Yawn *Stretch

"It's morning already..first time I had a normal night without nightmares.."

(Gero had just woken up and takes a look at the room and his mother and sisters are not there)

"I guess Okaa-chan had important business to attend to..and my sisters went to their teammates.."

"Onii-chan~" a voice came from under Gero's blanket

(Gero looked under his blankets to find both his sisters sleeping with him and hugging him)

"Ehh?! Why are you guys sleeping here geez.."

"Onii-sama~" Maho was talking in her sleep

"Looks like I found the reason why I had no nightmares.."

(Suddenly the door of his room opened and he saw Erika about to come inside. He was so surprised and panicked he hid his sisters under the blanket again by reflex)


"Y-Yo I-Itsumi-san, good morning.."

"I'm glad you are already awake! How is your condition?!

"I'm fine Itsumi-san, I woke up last night.."

"I see..I thought you'd still be were in such a bad condition.."

(Gero gently placed his hand on Erika's hand to comfort her)

"Thank you for worrying about me Itsumi-san..I'm really alright now.."

(Erika was surprised and blushed so she just immediately changed the subject)

"T-That's right I brought you some breakfast..they were originally for Maho-san and Miho-san but since they are not can have it.."

"T-Thank you Itsumi-san..I wonder where those two are.."

"They stayed here all night watching you so you better thank them when they return-"

"Mmmmm~" a voice came from under the blankets

"Did I just hear-"

"Hmm? Oh t-that was me Itsumi-san, just doing some stretching..see?"

"But that was a very girlish sound-"

(The blankets started to move as Gero's sisters tried to get the blankets off. Suddenly Erika removed the blankets by force and to her surprise there was both Miho and Maho sleeping and hugging Gero and they had their tanker jackets taken off. So Maho was just wearing the dark red shirt and Miho the lime green shirt which both had their top buttons unbuttoned)

"M-M-Maho-san?! M-Miho-san?!"

(Miho and Maho then woke up and saw Erika with a distraught expression)


"Ohh it's already morning.." Miho said

"Erika..good morning..came to visit?" Maho said

"W-Wh-What.." Erika couldn't get her words out

"I-Itsumi-san, first c-calm down..there is a valid explanation for this.."



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