• Part 13 - CLOSER •

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'Why did I have such a dream...?'

"Ooo Antartica is pretty cold." I chirped as I slid on the ice-berg with my pet seal. We travelled for a long , long time. I was now getting sick of all the white and frigid environment. Suddenly a strong wind blew, making me shiver to the core. Then the iceberg hit a giant wave , launching me in the air for a while. It was really getting painful. The seal yelped and tied a strap of seagrass to my head. It was better now. Just then I saw an iceberg passing by us, with a small bear and Taehyung on it. He waved me a hi. I waved at him too. He yelled at me a few sentences, which I couldn't quite hear. The sound of the waves was too much. And then I lay flat on my back, as I felt being sunk into warm water. Some of it splashed on my face. It was tingling , I giggled. Then I blinked my eyes for a bit , and saw Taehyung's face, slowly disappearing in the distance. And I felt a warm drop of tear roll down the corner of my eye as I lay, silently.

He snapped a finger in front of your face which made you get out of your trance and you looked at him. He gave you a gentle smile and put a hand around your shoulder, touching your neck slightly with his hand. It made you ticklish. You looked down, not knowing the fact that your cheeks were getting a little red by now. Suddenly he took it back. You were confused, but then a sharply staring Yoongi came in sight.

~Yoongi's POV~

I left with the permit of the teacher. It had been bugging me all night about what I saw in the closet. I slowly walked to their room across y/n and Jennie's , reminding myself to check on her while I return. I opened the knob and the door slowly gaped. I shut it gently behind me and headed to the closet swiftly. "Let's get to business" I decided as the closet opened revealing just what I was expecting to see. "Yup.. these Gucci clothes are definitely not Jungkook's. Then who's it? Must be Taehyung's. Can't trust any words of that stupid bitch anyway. But then why didn't he say so? He wouldn't have kept quiet just to 'stay out of the drama'. He isn't that type of a person. Then just what is he up to? Hanging them in the closet like this. Never wearing them. I don't understand. I'll have to search this through really, but not now. Don't have time. I have to return before someone gets suspicious." I thought to myself , and left immediately from there, my clouded thoughts made me forget about the y/n next door.

~End of Yoongi's POV~
~End of Flashback~

Getting out , there was a buffet style table arranged , with sorts of delicious snacks. Jennie hit you hard in the back, seeing you pick up all of the sweets. Muffins, donuts, chocolates, candy, an ice cream cone and a packet of Cream&onion chips were quite difficult to manage in your arms. You were freaking addicted to sugar. No matter how hard you tried , it was your weakness. Jungkook got some spicy chips and banana milk. Jimin and Jin managed to get a family size nachos packet. Yoongi picked up a coffee cup and a sprite for hobi. Namjoon picked up a nutrition bar and a sandwich, scowling at the mint chocolate bar besides it.

Namjoon : Who even eats these??

You laughed. Then bent to pick up a packet which fell from your hand and while doing so, dropped two more. Jennie took them and kept them back.

Jennie: Don't.

Y/n : Whyy?

You whined.

Jennie : Trust me , you don't want to know.

She winked at you as you frowned at her.

Y/n: tell me.

Jennie: You remember how much Yerin loved sweets? Well, she got such a bad cavity she had to get a root canal.

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