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You relaxed yourself in your seat lazily.

Just 1 hour.
Won't be that difficult.

Wait I should probably get my phone..

Y/n : I'll get my phone..

He nodded. You left the class and went to the corridor , unlocking your locker. You grabbed your device and earphones and held the locker door when something struck your mind as you nervously bit your lower lip.

"It would probably be too early to ask him why."

You pushed it shut and returned to class and got back to your seat. You both were getting bored as you awaited your teacher's return.

You were about to drift into a long sleep, when the Teacher entered and you quickly straightened yourself. Taehyung spoke up out of the blue.

Taehyung : why is she getting detention?

The little sleep over you vanished and you didn't miss how the teacher's mouth gaped a little by shock at his words and demanding tone but mainly cuz he heard him for the first time. He tried his best not to show it and cleared his throat to speak.

Teacher: Cause-

He cut him off.

Taehyung : she was just helping me. Why does she have to be punished for being good? She wouldn't have been held like that if she didn't help me. I'm the only one that should be punished here.

The teacher, including you , had your eyes wide. He was definitely not acting how you expected. The teacher really seemed to be taken aback by his statement.

Teacher : She was in the end Late.
And even if I wanted to do something, I can't change the rules, can I ?

He ignored the question and was about to reply back, but instead decided to just stay quiet. The teacher let out a mute sigh and then scoffed loudly. You saw Taehyung's jaw clench and unclench as he jerked his head a bit and let out a breath.
Goddamn relax!

You tried to ease the tense situation  by going and sitting infront of him , facing him and gave him a smug smile. He stared at you blankly and your heart dropped even more.

Teacher : I'll just leave you both alone since I have important work to do. Don't do anything that'll get you and me in trouble.

He left . Taehyung clicked his tongue in annoyance and took out his sketch book. He continued his half sketch of a bird. His tensed hand relaxed and moved like it was made for it as he unconsciously kept making each stroke. Tilting his head and changing his hand's position, he got totally engrossed in the art in moments as you watched him. He looked so content, so satisfied . It was like a whole new Taehyung was infront of you, who had a calm expression and a hint of passion in his eyes. The bird looked like it was slowly coming to life to you. A small "wow" escaped your mouth unknowingly.

Taehyung : you like it?

He said , without looking up but you could see his lips curved up in a satisfactory smile.

Y/n : I- it's beautiful!

Usually boy's are fond of cool or destructive harsh things. He's.. different.

Y/n : show me more!

He chuckled slightly, then turned through his sketch book.

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