•Part 5 - BONDING •

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You could feel his warm breath fanning your face.
Your hair feel to touch his cheek as he flashed bright red , which made you panic even more. You had gotten yourself an awkward af position right now. You both stared into each other, lost for a moment.

Teacher : AAAAAHH GODD!!!

Your eyes widened. So did his. You immediately got away, twisting and hurting your knee in the process. You were so embarrassed you had no idea how to give an explanation of the situation. You just wanted this world to swallow you right now.

Y/n : I -I .. th- is


Taehyung: she was taking her pencil..

He picked up a pencil from the ground and handed it to you.

Y/n: ..what?

He gritted his teeth, you realised his plan and just went ahead and took the pencil.

Y/n : thanks!

The teacher seemed a little confused. It was he dumb excuse,but he seemed to be buying it. He sat on his chair and started working in his diary. You sighed and sat down while Taehyung adjusted himself comfortably in his seat.

Teacher: y/n .. I heard that you are quite good in chemistry. Could you lend me your notebook for a few minutes?

Say what now?

You looked at him blankly. He stretched his opened palm infront of you. You weren't that bad at studies, maybe a little better than average actually. You didn't consider yourself as smart, yet you helped your friends in studies whenever they needed. So you weren't really hesitant and took out the book from your bag.

Teacher: you .. just give it to me

He said, pointing to Taehyung. He got up and handed the book to him. You started searching for your doodling book cuz you were bored. But it was nowhere to be seen. You searched for it, and then it hit you . You took out your chemistry notebook and stared at it..

'so the book sir has... IS MY DOODLING BOOK?!'

A wave of sheer fear struck you. He was a strict one. If he saw those doodles , he won't think twice to get the matter to the principal. Carrying extra books wasn't allowed. Your studies,dad's disappointment. You had given your name for a scholarship too . You gulped nervously and glanced at him. He was still writing in his diary, your book was on his table. You were trembled with the thoughts of what would happen next. But your book was swiftly taken from your hands as you flinched hard. Taehyung took your chemistry book and stood besides the teacher reading it.

'what in the world is he doing?'

The teacher closed his diary and took your book in his hand. You started shaking uncontrollably. You were really scared. He opened a page.
'Should I just go and take it? Or else I-'

Hit. Drop. Switch.



Teacher: you do have a neat handwriting ms.Y/n

Y/n : t-thank you sir!

Teacher: I'll make sure to return it to you by tomorrow. Bye for now you two! Have a good day.

You smiled slightly and left with Taehyung. As soon as you got a little further, you bowed 90 degrees to him.

Y/n : Thank you so much!

He looked at you blankly. You continued as if you were completely used to that by now.

Y/n : Really! I don't know how to express! I owe you a Thousand! My heart almost exploded!!

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