As For the Child, I Shall Take Charge of Them Myself! (3)

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The teachers blinked. "We write it into the weekly reports, Mr. Robinson. Interactions, grades, behavior in class, potential habits, infractions. Everything."

Matthew glowered. "You give me enough paper weekly to choke a college student and then some. I do have other things to do, you know, as does Ms. Culpepper and Mr. Yang. His uncle."

Mrs. Jefferson and Ms. Parrish shared another glance.

Grunting, Matthew turned in his chair and asked, point blank, "Who actually wants to tell me what happened?"

The student left of Elliot glanced back and forth. "What?"

Eli nudged him. "Danny, you tell him."

"No way, man." Danny shuffled in his seat. "Make Steven do it."

"It wasn't my fault," Steven started, leaning forward with such insistency it made Matthew grimace. "I asked Danny about Elliot's mom and dad, and – "

"No you didn't," Danny said. "You didn't ask anything! You make fun of him because Eli's parents are gone and not coming back like it's this weird thing like girls having cooties! Today, you asked Eli at lunch how they died, and when he told you, you did this – " He scoffed and rolled his eyes dramatically. " – and said, 'That would never happen to my parents'."

A pause. Matthew's eye twitched. His gaze wandered back to Steven and said, "Is that true?"

"No," Steven insisted, sitting forward more. "I didn't – that wasn't what I said!"

"Then what did you say?"

Elliot shrank into his seat, squirming. A frown grew on his face.

Matthew turned the chair around completely to face the boys. "Danny, right?"

Danny nodded.

Stare drifting back to Steven, Matthew drew in a breath. "So you were just there, asking a simple question, and you got punched?"

"Yes," Steven said.

"Now, why would Eli punch you for asking about his dead parents?"

"I don't know," Steven whined. "He's always been weird like that."

"Like about dead parents?"

"Yeah! And, and maybe he doesn't like me – " Cue the waterworks. " – b-but I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Mr. Clifford, calm down. You aren't in trouble."

Again, Matthew's eyelid twitched. He drew in a steady breath. He glanced back to the two teachers and asked, "So who's to blame in all this?"

"Everyone," Eli muttered, his lower lip quivering.

"Yes," he whispered, glancing down for a moment, wishing it wasn't the case. "What's the punishment?" Matthew asked, gaze back on the teachers. "What are the consequences?"

Ms. Parrish faltered for a moment, glancing at Mrs. Jefferson for support. "Well, Daniel and Elliot, certainly, are in trouble. Brookfell does not tolerate bullying and physical violence," she explained, "though we will talk to Steven about sensitive topics, as well."

" Danny and Eli mostly?"

Mrs. Jefferson sighed. "Mr. Robinson, there isn't a clear-cut solution."

"Seems like there is on your end," he whispered. "From what it sounds like, this kind of behavior, with no repercussion, has been left unchecked. So you have a child taunting another for something they're hurt and sensitive about and because you're, like, hyperfixated on Eli, you neglect to notice the actual bad behavior."

"Matthew, Mr. Yang broke our rules," Ms. Parrish sighed, frowning. The tone of her voice was worn, tired. "Obviously, everyone is going to get punished."

"That's not what you told me!" Steven said, sitting forward.

"Excuse me?" Matthew's head snapped back so fast his neck cracked.

"Mrs. Jefferson said if I came and said what happened, she wouldn't tell my dad!"

Matthew leaned forward. "And what happens if your dad hears about what happened, Steven?"

"He was gonna give the school a lot of money to redo the playground because it sucks!"

The teachers collectively groaned. "That is not why, Mr. Clifford," Mrs. Jefferson said.

A stilted breath of disbelief before Matthew gritted his teeth, snarling. "Okay. Why would Eli get mad at you for asking about his dead parents?"

"I don't know!"

"He didn't ask, Mr. Rob – " Danny said, interrupted by a side-glance to Elliot. " – Matt. He – I mean, yeah, he did, but then said 'That would never happen to my parents'."

"It wouldn't!" Steven shouted. "And it's not my fault he's weird because his parents're dead!"

Elliot stood. "Shut up! Shut! Up! Stop saying they're dead! I know they're dead! Stop saying it!" And he launched himself at Steven, his hands on the boy's shoulders as Eli pushed him from the chair and onto the floor. His fist was pulled back ready to swing.

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