25 - You're Free...

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It was a silent day with a silent scene. Junwoo was taking Minseo to her work. She was sitting in the backseat. She was looking outside the window while resting her head on the door. Junwoo couldn't help himself but took a glance at her through the mirror.

"Please, lay back straight, that's not the right posture..." He said.

And she did without saying anything. She tilted her head towards the scenery throughout the window.

They were quite close to the cafe, just another block around the corner. Minseo said,"Stop.. I think I can walk from here."

He didn't say anything, but slowed down the car and stopped. She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door. But before she left he spoke,"Minseo..."

"Hmmm?" Minseo just hummed.

"Don't be late when you return home, okay!"

Junwoo didn't receive any response but a loud closed door.

He seemed to be a bit irritated by her response, yet happy. He knew that they had to be distant. He smiled at himself with satisfaction. But frowned knowing what was coming for him.

Junwoo brought his paper work home and did them in the dinner room. He honestly couldn't handle the loneliness in that office. But the house felt no difference. It's just that Minseo had stopped talking to him and that really stressed him out.

He rested his head back and went on circled on his chair. He stopped and his eyes landed on the kitchen, that's when he recalled something.

Junwoo was playing video games while sitting on the couch. Minseo was inside the kitchen.

He didn't know why but he intentionally pulled a button of his shirt. He went to the kitchen and gave it on Minseo's hand.

"Hey! Stitch it now!" He said.

Minseo nodded and went out from the kitchen. She brought a needle and a thread. Junwoo was sitting on a kitchen chair. She asked him for the shirt.

"N.. No!! I am not gonna take it off. Y.. you can sew this with my s.. shirt on." He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

She began to put the thread inside the needle. When she held his shirt and adjust the button to stitch, his heart skipped a beat. He was watching her face all the time. Her hair was moving slowly. Her beautiful eyes were focusing on the needle, and her lips...

Junwoo glanced down at her lips without knowing why he had an urge to kiss her. His urge had a mix of feelings. Maybe it was lust or maybe it was because it's a while since he dated other woman. But he just hoped it was not love because he did't want to love her.

He wanted to devour her lips badly but before he could do so, she finished her work, torn the thread and went out from his sight.

"Never thought I will change this much." Junwoo came out of his thoughts and chuckled.

It's true that he was blushing when she was stitching his button. Cause he always liked when she is around him. In the first, he didn't want to fall for her, but inside, he knew it was love. He didn't know when and how he started loving her.

The night struck lightening. Minseo was finishing her works in hurry so that she could go home before the rain comes but soon it got rainy so she couldn't leave. It wasn't a long enough when she noticed someone leaning against the wall... It was Junwoo.

She guessed he came to pick her up but then she realised he had not brought his car. She walked to him and stood next to him, but he didn't even take a glance. He was so concentrated in the rain that he pulled out his hand towards it. He wasn't even crying but his facial expression was telling her everything.

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