|30| Slow Chase

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

"Catch me if you can, loser!" the little boy yelled, as he cut his corner around the table. Izuku chased after him at a slow pace with his arms reaching forward.

"HAVE SOME RESPECT, BRAT!" was yelled from the kitchen. Izuku let out a small chuckle knowing the boy got that behavior from somewhere and Kacchan still didn't seem to realize where from.

"Gotcha" Izuku yelled out and lifted the boy in the air. Katsumi had grown so much, Izuku started doubting how long he could keep carrying him like that.

"Mommy's so slow" the boy said now with his arms crossed and looking the other way. The greenette laughed at the obvious embarrassement that had come with the little blonde's defeat. "I did that on purpose"

"Of course honey" Izuku kissed the boy's forehead and put his little feet back on the ground. When the greenhaired man saw Katsumi yelling as he chased his shadow across the room, another quiet chuckle slipped from his lips.

"Oi, food is ready" was heard from the kitchen, as that immediately grabbed the little boy's attention. Izuku who had almost reached the doorway, dodged the little blonde's attack towards the food on the table.

His eyes met the crimson ones, just before they made a circle because of the smaller boy yelling at him to put him in his high chair. "PICK ME UP!"

"Yeah yeah, be patient" he spoke rather calmly, contrasting with his really annoyed face. "You better eat all your vegetables" he spoke in a firmer tone "that is, if you want to be really strong and tall when you grow up" Katsumi's excited face seemed to dim down a bit, looking at the carrots and pieces of broccoli on his plate.

All Izuku could do is stare at the tall blonde, who seemed to have grown even taller. Kacchan had gotten even more muscles since UA had closed. Izuku on the contrary hadn't grown even a single inch. He smiled, realizing those muscles had scared him in the past. Now they only made him feel more safe.

Izuku quikly passed through the corner of the room and glanced at the little face wrapped up in blankets. Yuzuki still seemed sound asleep, even with all Katsumi's yelling. He almost never cried, unless he was hungry. When Katsumi was still a baby that was a whole different story. Now Kacchan and Izuku could at least get some sleep at night.

Although he still loved his little devil to death.

"I already fed him earlier" Katsuki said grabbing Izuku's attention, only now noticing the taller man had joined him standing in front of the cradle. "He'll be sound asleep for the following hours" he spoke in his soft voice, he only used towards the greenette and bent over to give the other a kiss. Izuku quikly melted into the kiss and tiptoed a bit higher as Katsuki seemed to break it.

"You too" Katsuki spoke, now in the same firmer tone, making Izuku open his eyes in confusion. The greenette's feet quikly lost contact with the ground as the other threw him up in the air. "Eat!" Came the other's command, as he pushed Izuku on his chair.

"Ka-kacchan" Izuku whined out a little embarrassed. The blonde would always do this, as if he was actually hoping Izuku would still grow. "Do-do you not like it?" Izuku asked softly. When that was answered with furrowing brows at the other side of the table he continued "tha-that I'm so short?"

"Wha-what?" Katsuki almost yelled out and quikly tried to hold in his laughter. "Pffffff- Haha- Deku hah- you really know how to make me laugh" Izuku wore a blank face, as Katsuki still seemed unable to breath.

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