| 3 | Haunting Words

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

As soon as Izuku took a breath, when he couldn't hold it any longer, his body started reacting. Kacchan's pheromones were making his mind fuzzy again, like any other omega surrendering to an alpha. He felt his face redden like it had done before with Shotou, but then why did it feel so much more intense now? His shaking hands couldn't get out of the blond alpha's grip, like he had done earlier in class.

This was bad.

"It's you" Katsuki almost whispered when bringing his nose to the shivering neck of the omega, "I knew it" he spoke still growling very angrily. He then moved his face away from the greenette, bringing back some sense in the omega's mind.

"Wha-what do-do you mean?" Izuku stuttered out trying to stop his trembling body. One of his shivering hands made their way onto Katsuki's stomach and tried to apply pressure.

"Your fucking smell Deku" the alpha said while looking down at the other against the wall. "It's everywhere" Katsuki continued as he grabbed the hand on his stomach easily and crushed it in his palm. "It makes me sick"

"Oww" Izuku screamed, as he tried grabbing his wrist with his other hand. The pain made him able to think just a little clearer as he continued, biting his tears away "Sto-stop it really hu-hurts" he tried one more time, letting the first tears he couldn't help drop. They made their way down his cheek to his chin to fall down onto the alpha's hand which then started letting go of his uniform.

"How did you even get into this school Deku" the alpha now started mocking him, "you're a filthy omega" he said smirking as he brought his face closer to the other.

"I-I-I'm a-a Beta" Izuku tried to sound convincing, looking away from the crimson fires that could read his lies so easily. "I-I swear"

"You think I'm an idiot?" Katsuki spoke with a changed expression "People lie to people they think are idiots" where he first seemed to smirk, he now seemed furious again. His brows furrowed even deeper with his last words "I'm not an idiot though"

"If you are such a low filthy omega" he spewed out in anger "at least hide your sickening scent you stupid Deku"

"I-I-I did" Izuku brought out, as he remembered the surpressants he took this morning. "I-I took-" the greenette started, but couldn't keep going because of the hand around his neck.

"What did I tell you?" Katsuki snarled, "I'm not an idiot" he kept going getting even more frustrated "So stop lying Deku"

"Aahh~" Izuku brought out as he grabbed at the hand, forbidding him to breath. "Le~ Go~" after that the Alpha stopped adding pressure, but the scared omega could still feel the strong hand around his shivering neck.

"What do you do with your heats?" the alpha spoke in a cocky tone again with a sadistic smirk, as he saw exactly what he wanted. The greenette's eyes went blank, as his lips started to tremble, not being able to think of words. His face colored a deeper pink, creating an even bigger contrast with the wall behind him.

"You get the help of an alpha?" Katsuki smirked as he got even closer to the other "All you shitty omegas crave that shit" he continued in Izuku's ear "don't you?"

"No-No" Izuku could finally whisper with his hoarse voice "could you sta-stand a little further plea-please" he requested the unadmitting alpha "An Alpha's smell is making me uncomfortable" he begged the other.

"If you don't bother hiding yours" the alpha started, doing the exact opposite of what the omega had just asked "Why should I listen to you?" he spoke, not taking anything the man under him had said serious "It's almost like you want me not to listen to you"

Izuku's body froze, as he felt one of the other's hands sliding down his spine. He was too scared to move, when suddenly the hand stopped to move under his pants.

"You know what happens to alpha's, smelling an omega's scent" the taller man continued before he licked the other's neck. "It's as if you're doing this on purpose" he smirked before continuing to lick the others ears to really take the greenette's smell in.

Izuku still couldn't move, he just stood there, not being able to process the blonde's movements. When suddenly he felt the hand in his pants move, what was the alpha doing?

Katsuki placed a finger on the omega's entrance and could feel the wetness indulge his finger. Deku had become wet from just touching this much. It made him want to mock the stupid omega even more.

"Oww" Izuku suddenly screamed out, just coming out of his trance. One of the alpha's fingers had just slid inside him and it hurt like hell. "Ta-take it out!" he begged the other as he started pulling on the blonde's uniform.

"Please" Katsuki chuckled "If you can't handle this" he spoke as he gently started thrusting "how will you ever handle an actual alpha" he warned as he looked down at the smaller hands tugging at his uniform. Izuku's face was hanging down, his body shivering and his voice trembling.

"Aaah~" he brought out, though trying to keep it in. "Sto-sto aaah~" the grip on Katsuki's uniform grew harder, as the tension inside his body grew thicker "Kacha- aaah~" he kept begging with more moans leaving his lips "Sto~ it feels wei~ aaah~"

The alpha looked down at the moaning mess from just one finger and couldn't help smirking in content. For a split second he wanted to grab the green soft hair hanging down, so he would get a glimpse of the other's face, but he quickly pushed that thought of his mind.

This wasn't supposed to happen. He was messing with Deku, he didn't actually like it or anything. The way the greenette would hate him for having his way with him, was worth doing this.

Stupid Deku was a filthy stinking omega and that fit him just right.

"Aaah~" the greenette kept moaning, as the tension kept building taller "Kaccha- aah~ aaah~" and taller "Aaah~ sto- aaah~" until it couldn't grow any taller anymore "Aaah~" Izuku let out one last time, as his eyes tilted back into his skull and his hands tensioned.

The alpha stopped, noticing the changing body language of the omega under him. After letting go of the greenette's body, it slammed to the ground. Katsuki had been so busy mocking the other, he hadn't noticed how weak Deku's legs had gotten.

Izuku kept panting on the ground, still not able to realize what had just happened. Before he could say anything, his attention was automatically glued to the alpha's legs coming closer. Too close, until they finally crouched down and the greenette regained eye-contact with the crimson ones.

"If you don't hide your scent soon" Katsuki threatened, as he put there noses together to end with the words that would keep haunting the omega's mind.

"Next time I'll really RAPE you"

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