|23| Awaited Spectacle

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku's hand grabbed at the flowing blood, trying to put it back with his trembling fingers. "Nonononono" he kept panicking. As the man behind him, who had already taken the knife out of the flesh, got angrier.

"Get out of the way brat" Shigaraki yelled, getting frustrated at the tiny amount of blood painting the floor. He wanted something big to happen. A spectacle. This wasn't enough.

"He will tell the whole school about your gender" the pale man spoke about the wounded blonde, as a crack in his voice shone out his hidden pain "Alpha's should never be trusted"

"Nooooo I do-don't want this" Izuku screamed as shielded off Katsuki even more. "He would never do that" he spoke as he remembered the last months.

Kacchan had told Shotou, for a reason he couldn't quite guess, but seemed to never have thought about telling the school. Even more after he started claiming he wanted to mate with the greenette.

It was pretty clear Katsuki didn't want to be apart of the omega.

But that's exactly what Shigaraki achieved, when he kicked Izuku with great force against the wall. The omega needed a few seconds to tilt his bleeding head up, as he tried to regain his vision.

Shigaraki had the knife on katsuki's already bleeding neck, as he looked the omega in the eyes. "We're actually quite similar" his still cracking hoarse voice announced in the cold air "but that doesn't mean I'll listen to you"

"I simply do not care what you want"

Izuku's heart dropped, as he realized he had been reasoning with a unhinged soul. His body was aching as he crawled towards the blond. He watched the crazy eyes that couldn't wait for a spectacle.

It was all the man had wanted from the start. Trauma, pain and blood and Izuku and Kacchan had given him just that.

"De-de-deku" was silently whispered into the silence, Izuku had used to terrifyingly realize the situation. "Do-don't" he brought out to the crawling freckled hands with eyes closed in exhaustion. Shigaraki watched in excitement, as the greenette didn't seem to listen.

"No-no Ka-kacchan I-I need to pro-protect you" Izuku fought for words as his mind lost them through the ringing raging his head. "Just like you-you did"

Shigaraki looked up at that.

"So he really was trying to protect you?" A creepy smile made its way on Shigaraki's wrinkled face. "Then this should be fun"

Izuku who had finally crawled the distance to Kacchan's body, reached for his hand, just when the skinny man dragged the blonde 10 feet further.

"Did you see how Alphas react to Omega pheremones?"

The question made Izuku push his body up with his bloody fingers. Why would he possibly ask that? He wanted to know the man's plan, but it seemed impossible to anticipate. Since the man himself seemed unknowing of his future actions.

"Do you know how they react to an extreme amount of them?" Shigaraki asked a second question just as eager. "They start hurting unbearably, to the point they have to get the pheromones to go away"

"So what better way to kill the source?"

Before Izuku could realize what his words had meant, he saw Kacchan struggling out ouf Shigaraki's grip, clearly knowing what was yet to come.

"Well, he is wounded so you might have a chance to survive" the man continued as also now Izuku's face lost all color and dropped back on the floor, lost of all strength.

Izuku's ear placed against the ground heard the thud of Katsuki's body hitting the floor, as well as the man's footsteps walking towards the door.

"Getting killed by your own destined mate"

"A spectacle doesn't get much greater than that"

"Don't you think?"


Silent grunts filled the silent hallway, the alpha grabbed at the floor with his bloody hands. He had woken up to an hysterical crazy laugh echoing through the walls. Where had it come from?

He noticed all the wounds around his body, as he couldn't remember where they had come from. Now with sense flowing back in his mind, he looked at the same door, clearly remembering something about it was important.

Suddenly the door opened and a tall pale figure filled the opening that was created. He seemed to be saying some words about being greater, but Shotou couldn't quite make the words into a sentence.

He saw the man throwing the same black objects he had met eyes with in the the classroom. They made the same hissing sound, but there seemed to be so many it almost sounded like a real explosion.

Just before he heard agressive panting from inside, the man slammed the door shut and let out another excited almost evil laugh.

Shotou wondered why he seemed so happy. Who even was that man? What was he doing in the school? And who were the people inside? What was happening to them?

He wondered if he could answer even one of those questions, as he felt his eyes begging for darkness and quikly ran out of the adrenaline that had kept him awake.


To Izuku's disbelieve Kacchan had been able to stand up without a problem, as if all his wounds had disappeared. It was clear his body was running on pure adrenaline rushing through his body.

"Dekuuuuuu!" he grunted out as he stared at his bleeding hands, that now didn't seem to have any effect anymore. If pain couldn't give him control it was all over. "Get away from me!" He screamed at the moveless body on the floor.

Izuku, who wasn't getting the same rush, could only feel his heart throbbing in his bleeding head. He slowly lift his head up, looking at the blond who seemed to lose himself at a vicious rate.

He would become a monster and there was no way of stopping him. All Izuku could wish for, was that the blonde would be so deep in beastiality, he wouldn't remember this moment.

Kacchan shouldn't remember the moment he killed Izuku.

When he suddenly heard something sliding under the door. It was the knife Shigaraki had threatened them with. As Katsuki seemed to finally slip away of humanity, four words sounded from the other side of the door.

"Kill or be killed"

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