|16| Regretful Request

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku's jade eyes regained their vision for a few seconds, to only then fade back to black immediately. His eyelashes fluttered and fought against the light. When he finally regained conciousness he tried moving his head to widen his view of the room.

Only to jerk back to the same position as before, due to the pain taking over his body. His back felt like it was on fire every time he took small and careful breaths.

His eyes moved to the side as far as they could, only to meet another person next to him. Izuku held in his scream in surprise. Memories came flooding back and it all started making sense.

As the reality and reasons became more clear, he could only go back to the unknowing state. He didn't have to search his memory to know the shadow he had noticed beside him was definitely Katsuki.

He remembered the blond's lust taking over his muscled body and the unbearable pain rushing through his fraler one. He remembered getting crushed by the other's movements and words.

"Don't you dare faint Deku"

Were the last ones he could recollect. It was the moment Katsuki was getting even more rough, reaching his climax. Just before that, everything had faded to deep hollow black.

It was scary, but somehow less frightening than being awake.

Izuku still couldn't believe he had gotten his first heat. He thought he would never get those. He was horrified of it might happening again.

Not being able to ignore his paining body, he used his fear as strength to get up from the bed. His legs were shaking, even though Katsuki hadn't even done it for long.

The greenette didn't want to imagine what would've happened if he hadn't fainted.

He didn't have the strength to put on his clothes with his bruised wrists and his wounded back, that seemed as if it could start bleeding again with every movement he made. So he just wrapped the clothes he could find around his body and tried not to hiss through his teeth due to the pain.

He took tiny careful steps towards the door and opened it silently. The last thing he wanted was the other to wake up. He quietly walked out of the door, as he luckily noticed no one was in the hallway.

He struggled to his dorm room, as he suddenly heard a sound coming from the corner. His head jerked back towards the sound, not even being able to notice a wound on his back open again.

"Wai-wait!" He heard coming from the corner and loud thudding footsteps followed. The voice made his head ring.

It was his voice


The voice screamed, as Izuku swung his body through his door and fortunatly was able to close it quikly. When he was able to relax his body, he noticed the injures on his back screaming in pain.

He pushed his hand on the door and moved down slowly, ending up against the door, clutching his legs.


sounded loudly on the other side of the door, which made Izuku look up in distress. He could already hear the other yelling.

But instead a soft voice entered the shivering greenette's ears "De-Deku" the voice softly called out, as if he had difficulty talking. The greenette felt like he was hearing things. He had never heard Kacchan speak so...

He couldn't find the right word.

"De-Deku, I know you're in there" he spoke almost letting out a tremble in his voice "Plea-please listen to me" he said as if he was begging. "Open the door" he requested again in the voice fighting for sound, as if the door would actually start moving.

The greenette's body wouldn't move, Katsuki's mere presence seemed enough to shake his bones. His hands trembled as he stared at his purple wrists.


Kacchan asked one last time in that same sound, as Izuku could finally remember what word he had been looking for. The blond seemed


Something the alpha had always seemed uncapable of. It almost made Izuku's hand move to the doorknob. Even though the greenette couldn't give the now bleeding wounds even one reason to possibly open the door, his bruised body called to move.

"I-I'm- s-"

Echoed through the hall, but the Alpha halted. Izuku looked up at those words. Was the blond trying to say what the greenette was thinking?

His bruised arms started slowly moving to the doorknob without hesitation. Izuku squinted his eyes as he turned his purple wrists to open the door.

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly sounded in another voice, making Izuku halt. He could hear the other voice getting angrier, now making clear this situation had happened before "Running after Midoriya ag-?" The other alpha seemed to hesitate.

Izuku wondered why Todoroki had stopped completing his sentence.

The red eyed alpha turned his face away from the speechless alpha and then quikly walked away from the other man while wiping at his eyes as subtly as possible.

Todoroki was left alone in an empty silence. Even though the blond alpha had left, he could still smell him through the door, which made his question grow deeper.

"Midoriya?" He asked now way gentler than the voice he had just used to the other alpha. He was scared of what might have happened. The smell getting stronger closer to the door seemed to give him his wanted answer, but his mind kept wishing for a different outcome.

"Mi-" he started, but stopped when the door silently opened, revealing exactly what he had been so afraid of. His eyes slid down the deep marks left on the smaller man's body. It was clear the alpha who bit him was desperate to leave his scent on the omega. It seemed as if his worst nightmare had come true. When suddenly he noticed the blank space around the omega's neck.

He let out a sigh in relief, as he tried not to let the other see, it would all be alright.

He could still make Midoriya his.

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