| 7 | Cold Confirmation

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

The quiet alpha had never had these many loud questions running through his head. He felt like he had uncovered something, he had been searching for for weeks. Answers he had never been able to get out of the greenette, who hadn't moved in hours.

His hand moved over the white sheets again, trying to get his thoughts in order. He felt like his story was coming together, but when he looked at the jade eyes who hadn't been open, he failed to keep his composure.

The school nurse had said, the greenette's body was exhausted, but that he'd soon wake up. Had Shotou wished that would happen. After class he immediately came back and his heart had dropped seeing Izuku in the exact same position as 4 hours earlier.

He looked at the omega's face and started counting his freckles, when he suddenly stopped when his eyes met Izuku's lips. He sighed awkardly and quikly looked somewhere else.

He wondered if the nurse had maybe already left, when he thought to get his answer with the sound of opening door behind him.

Another tall alpha walked into the room, as Shotou's brows quikly formed a scowl. The blonde was the last person he wanted to see right now. The last person he wanted close to the omega in the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Shotou spoke, trying not to let his hate sound through his words. The blonde scoffed, when he noticed the other blocking the entrance.

"What a stupid question" Katsuki answered, as an annoyed expression painted his face at the sight of the other alpha. "Seeing you're here" he spoke as he tried to look over the tall man's shoulder "I think you would already know" he continued as he noticed green locks falling off of the pillow.

"We're here for the same reason"

Shotou couldn't help, but wish that wasn't true.

"Izuku doesn't want to see you right now" he tried to make the other leave, as he stepped forward, making the other step back.

"When did the nerd tell you that?" Katsuki smirkingly said as he had noticed the omega hadn't moved. "In his sleep?" He chuckled, as he finally pushed the tall man aside.

Katsuki came closer to the bed, when suddenly he was pulled back by a strong arm.

"Get out!" Todoroki now shouted, he wouldn't let the other be any closer to Izuku. He didn't really know how, but knew Katsuki had something to do with Izuku's condition.

Katsuki, who slammed to the door, started doing the exact opposite Shotou had expected. The heterochromic eyes focussed on the horrible sight. The blonde Alpha had started smirking and chuckled silently.

"Trying to claim that piece of shit?" He cockinly spoke and gained a confused gaze from the other alpha. He couldn't help but smile watching the other put the pieces together.

"Do whatever you want" the alpha sneared at the other, as he was heading towards the door "no one will mate with that failure of an omega anyway"

The last sentence made Shotou look back at the bed, as his widened eyes started moving from the alpha to the person in the bed, which the blonde claimed was actually an omega.

The Alpha smirkingly left the room and felt better than ever before. He had replaced his frustration with something else. He felt his grin growing deeper.

Not only because that other shitty alpha would finally know the greenette's biggest secret, knowing it would ruin Deku, but this also confirmed the other had never touched the smaller man like he had.

"You've got something coming Deku"

When Izuku finally felt light crawling back into his eyes, he held his breath trying to figure out who was standing above him. It was a tall figure, which he thought was making eye contact.


But before the figure could answer, it vanished in seconds. Izuku pulled his tired body up and tried to catch the fleeing shadow.

"Shotou?" He asked again, as his blurry vision became clear and his heart sank. Izuku swallowed his next words as he looked around the room in silence, trying not to feel the pain.

Pain, as he realized no one had come to check on him and he had been talking to an empty wall.


Izuku got up and stared at his reflection, that again, had seemed to change. The circles under his eyes seemed to have gotten darker just as his eyes seemed to have gotten even more dull. He sighed and grabbed the all too well known pills to start swallowing them.

Not one, not two, but it soon had started to be three a day. He would always hesitate thinking about the woman's words. The tall Beta who had given him the pills after eventually giving in seeing how bad the greenette had begged.

Izuku remembered yesterday's encounter with the blonde Alpha on the running tracks and sighed. He shouldn't, is what he thought. He shouldn't, is what he kept thinking, but everytime his fear would take over.

His fingers slipped in the box and grabbed a hold of a fourth. He waited with the pill between his fingers. He stared at it, longer than he should've, when eventually he swallowed it after the other three.

"Please work"

He whispered to the pills like any other day, when he quikly put on some clothes, knowing a certain someone was probably already waiting in front of the door.

His shirts seemed to big as his pants hung around his waist just a little too loose. Izuku grabbed inside the back of his closet to find an old belt and used it to hold up the piece of clothing.

"My tie" his hoarse voice tried to bring out as he looked around the room. He let his body drop to the ground, as he held his head under his bed. Laying his body like this, felt way better than it should. Luckily his dull eyes noticed the red fabric on his dusty carpet.

The omega took one last breath, before opening the door. He could already imagine the alpha's concerned face in the doorway. So he opened his mouth to say his usual goodmorning, but to his surprise he had to pause.


Something inside him suddenly started feeling empty, seeing the opening of the door was that too.

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