Chapter twenty-two

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  On the way there on the radio I heard a melody I've heard before. It took me about a second to recognise that it was indeed my song. It was the song I wrote about my ex, Gavi the famous Spain footballer. Me and him don't talk anymore, but I still used to write him love songs.

  I was enchanted to meet you. Please don't be in love with someone else

The song played. He actually did fall in love with someone else. I never really missed him. I only missed the time we spent together. He lingered like a tattoo kiss on my skin. Thank god we didn't reveal the relationship to the media.

  "Is this your song?" João asked and broke my cloud of thoughts

  "Yes it is" I admitted, I hoped he wouldn't ask anything about who it is

  "I love this song. You sound great my love" he smiled not taking his eyes off the road

  I smiled back even though I think he didn't saw it. Thinking about Gavi kinda ruined my mood, but I was with João. He makes everything much better in my life. If I were an old cardigan he would put me on and tell me I'm his favourite. I love this boy so much.

The car started to slow and I realised we were at Joãos parents already. We pulled up to a family house. It was really pretty. I wouldn't say it was large but it wasn't small either.

  The car stopped. João looked at me and smiled "we're here my love" he told me.

  João got out of the car and opened the door for me.

  "You know I can get out myself right?" I laughed as he held his hand out to me

  "I know, I just want to make you feel special princess" he winked and I blushed.

  He put his hand on my waist and we both walked to the door of the house. I can't hide but to shake out of stress. I was a bit nervous to meet his parents. We've been dating for about month or two now.

  "It's going to be okay don't worry" João reassured me "they're going to like you" he kissed me

  We both walked to the door and he rang the doorbell. In a about seven seconds the door opened and I was met with a woman. She was a little shorter than me, she had beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. Her lips looked just like Joãos, she was his mom.

  There was also a man. He was more than 10cms taller than me. He was a bit intimidating but he smiled at me. He had brown hair and a bit tan skin. I couldn't see his eyes, because when he smiled he squinted.

  "So Augustine, this is my mother and this is my father" he showed me both of them

  "So lovely to meet you darling" Mrs. Felix said to me and embraced me in a hug. The hug felt just like Joãos

  "Great to meet my son's soon to be wife" joãos father smiled and also hugged me

  "Dad, she's not my soon to be wife. " he rolled his eyes jokingly and I laughed

  "Okay come in my loves, I've made some pasta" his mother said and welcomed us in. The house smelled very nice. Mr.Felix guided us all to the dining room.

  Me and João sat next to eachother while his father sat in front of him and his mother in front of me. The pasta was already on the table and it looked amazing.

  "Mrs. Felix this looks so great!" I complimented her food

  "Thank you so much" she smiled at me. The smile was so nice and comforting

  We all put some pasta on our plated. We chatted about our lives and how we've been. Me and João also talked about our relationship, how we got together and how he confessed to me.

  It was such a nice night with his parents. At the end they really loved me and invited us for dinner anytime when they were in city. Just as we were about to leave Joãos mom said

  "And when you have children, don't worry the best babysitter is right here" she pointed at herself.

  Me and João both blushed out of embarrassment but then just laughed it off. We both said thanks to his parents and got in the car. I dozed off in the car and felt João carrying me to the house. He was strong wasn't he.


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