Chapter twenty-three

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  "Hey James? I'm ready to release the album." I told him

  "Oh actually? I thought you needed a photoshoot" James was shocked

  "Me and João took some pictures at home. I think they fit the vibe more than having them done professionally" I explained

  "Of course. I think we can release it in a week? You can maybe post about that?" James offered
  "Oh my god yea" I agreed with him and ended the call.

  I went on Instagram and went to stories. I added a new story. It was a selfie of myself and captioned "New album era?" to tease my fans a bit

  I was sitting in the piano room, looking at my laptop. I needed to go over all recorded files so I could make sure that they're perfect and I can actually release them. All of them sounded just like I wanted them to.

  I started going through the photos me and João took. they all looked great but I needed the perfect one to put as the cover. My album needs to be perfect.

  I didn't notice that I've been sitting In the room for hours now. Checking and making sure that everything is the best and I haven't made any mistakes. Until I heard a knock on the door.

  "Hey Tine? Are you okay ?" He asked me with a concerned face

  "Yeah I'm just.. Just making sure everything's perfect" I said while scrolling through my pictures

  "Everything that you do is perfect babe. You cannot do anything that's not perfect" he said as he kissed me

  I blushed as he said that. Ugh how much I loved him. I can't even put it into words.

  "I made some lunch if you want to eat. It's not like you really have a choice" he laughed. I loved his laugh so much

  "Let's go down and eat then." I smiled at him as we both got up. He took my hand in his and we walked together hand in hand downstairs. While walking I could smell the lasagna. It smelt so great. We went in the kitchen and João started cutting it.

  "How big of a piece do you want my love?" he asked me

  "Give me just as big as yours please" I told him, because I haven't ate breakfast

  "Okay I will" he answered and put the pieces on plates. He served us both the plates and we sat down.

  We both ate and I was the first to finish. As I started to get up to put my dishes in the dishwasher, João stopped me and said

  "I'll do it for you, go and release your album" He told me. I blushed at how caring and loving he was
  "Thank you, the food was great my love" I kissed him and went back to the piano room. I started calling James again

  "Hey, I'm actually ready to release the album now. I have the cover and the tracks are all set." I told him

  "Yeah okay okay. Can you send me all that information and me and the team will release it okay?"

  "I'm sending you it. Can you stay on call while releasing it please? I really want to hear what's happening" I really wanted to hear how they release it. Usually I was sitting with them and seeing how they do this, but this time I was in Portugal and they were in America.

  "Of course, you're the boss aren't ya?" James laughed

  "I assume I am" I laughed back

  "Thanks I just received the files. I love the cover picture you've chosen August" James complimented

"Aw thanks, me and João both thought of that idea" I smiled

  "Okay we're literally about to release it. We just need to push one button" James told me and I got stressed

  "Push it and immediately send me the Spotify link to it. I need to inform my fans" I smiling said

  "Yes okay. Done! It's out!" James shouted to me

  "Oh my god!! Yes!!" I was excited.

  James had sent me the Spotify link. I went on my Instagram story and took a selfie of myself. I put the link in the story and captioned it "I know places out now!" and posted it.

Call it what you want  | João FelixUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum