Chapter four

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  I woke up from my manager banging on the hotel room. If it wouldn't have been for him I could've finally slept it. I got up and went to answer the door.

  "Hey, uhh what's up?" I asked still not fully awake

  "I kinda forgot to tell you, but you've got to play a smaller concert today. Like really small one" James says really calmly like he hasn't interrupted my plans with his bad memory

  "Ugh when and where" I asked groaning

  "At four pm. A famous footballer bought a new house and he wants you to play in its opening" He said while writing somenthing in a notepad

  "Uh yeah sure, can I go back to sleep now?" I asked and without and answer closed the door. I went back to my bed and layed down. After five minutes I realised I can't fall asleep so I just got up. I took my phone and checked my notifications.

*deleted message*

Is everything okay?

Yeah sorry I just wanted
to get coffee with you, but
somenthing came up

I'm busy too today, so
no worries! :)

Busy with what?

Can't tell ya

  And with that I shutter off my phone and got up from my bed. I went in my bathroom to see how I looked. I didn't look that bad to say. I went to shower and while I showered I sang to practise a bit for later today. I wasn't really stressed since it was a small party.

  Suddenly I thought of Betty. I haven't spoken to her in some time actually. I wondered where she was.

  I got out of the shower, put my hair in a towel and wore somenthing clean to go to Betty's room. I knocked on her room and she answered almost instantly.

  "Hey Gustine! Come inside!" She greeted me and letted me in. Her room was almost identical so I went to the couch and sat down

  "I realised we haven't spoken for some time"

  "We haven't that's a fact. But what's up with you? Some new boys maybe?" she said with a smirk. She's always been excited about my relationship.

  "It's nothing much to be honest. Portugal doesn't have good looking boys"  I kinda lied about that part. Portugal did have good looking boys, but especially one, João.

  "Boring as always" My best friend said sarcastically.  We both spoke about what we're doing here and other things. About an hour after I went to get ready for the performance.

  I wore some jeans shorts, a shit and a baseball jacket on top of the look. I putted on some mascara and dark eyeshadow plus with dark eyeliner around my waterline. I looked perfect to say. A great balance between trying and not trying to look hot.

  It was 2:30pm and James knocked on my door again.

"Hey are you ready? We're about to leave?" He said through the door.

  "Yes I am ready! On my way!" I said as I walked to the door. I opened it and was met with James "Who am I playing for today?"

  "I can't tell you that, the guy wanted to keep it a secret" James said with a wink. I was kinda annoyed at that, what kind of footballer wouldn't want to reveal his identity geez.

  We sat in the car and started driving. The drive wasn't long, it only took about half an hour to get there.

  "So he said we can go inside and start getting ready, people haven't arrived yet so there's no hurry" James said while starting to take my stuff out of the boot of the car.

  Me and James took everything out and started carrying it to the house. Seconds later the owner came out. And was I expecting this or not, it was João. He looked so gorgeous today. He was wearing beige dress pants and a white button up. I couldn't stop staring but thank god he didn't notice. He came over to me and took all my stuff out of my hands.

  "Hi Augustine, shocked to meet you" João said while smiling. He looked even more attractive while smiling.

  "Hey João, what a suprise" I said and looked at him. We didn't speak much after that. He showed us where to put the stuff and set up. We quickly setted up and people started arriving. João looked at me and shaked a "yes" with his head. I knew I had to start.

I sang some of my most popular songs that I have. I started singing my now hottest song that all of my fans loved. It was a love song.

"You are in love, true love"  I sang, and just at that moment Me and João locked eyes. Was I in love?

Song: You are in love - Taylor Swift

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