Chapter fourteen

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  I woke up around 12pm and without João in the bed. I went downstairs and saw that he was making breakfast. I thought that I could get some revenge on him and sneak up on him.

  I went closer to him and put my arms around his waist and hugged him. I wasn't that much shorter than him, just about ten centimeters (I would guess four inches or something), but I still couldn't put my head on his shoulder.

  "Good morning to you too August" He smiled

  "What ar you making" I asked him

  "Some french toast. Do you want cinnamon on yours?" he asked while flipping the toast around

  "No thanks. I'll go to the piano room if you don't mind"

  "Yes okay, I'll call when breakfasts ready" João looked me in the eyes and smiled

  Even though me and João weren't dating, we sure acted like we did. Well I wouldn't mind dating him, but I don't have the courage to ask him out. I better not act out my feelings in case he doesn't feel the same.

  I went up the stairs and into the piano room. It technically wasn't a piano room, but it had a piano so it counted. I sat down and tried to make up some new melody for other lyrics.

  "Just take my hand and hold it forever my love" No that doesn't sound right or match the song theme ugh

  "hold it forever hm.. never let go... how about don't ever drop it??" I said out loud

  "Just take my hand and don't ever drop it my love" Yes! I celebrated inside.

  "That sounds amazing Tine" I heard João say. I got scared at first

  "Oh hey! Breakfasts ready?" I turned to face him

  "Jup it is. You can come downstairs" He said and already went by himself, I quickly cought up to him and we went together

  We sat down and started eating. I thought I saw him looking at me a couple of times, but that maybe was just my fantasy.

  "Hey Augustine?" He called me

  "Mhm?" I answered with just a sound because my mouth was full with the French toast he made. It was genuinely delicious

  "Do you maybe want to go to a restaurant later today?" João asked sounding a bit unsure or ever scared

  "Sure! I would love to João" I smiled at him. He smiled back at me and we continued eating.

  "What should I wear? And at what time we leave?" I asked him

  "Somenthing fancy propably. I think we could leave at about 5? If that's okay?" João precised

  "Of course" I answered and got up from my seat "Thanks for the breakfast João"

  I went back to our room and sat on the bed. I scrolled through my phone for about two hours. I looked at a clock and it said that it was a bit over two thirty o'clock. I realised it's the time to start getting ready. I went to shower so I could smell nice and my hair looked clean.

  After the shower I did my skincare. I air-dried my hair and after that picked out what dress I'm going to wear. I decided to go with a short black lace dress. I went back to the bathroom to do make-up. I wasn't in joãos bathroom, but I was in the guest bathroom so he could also get ready. I put on some light makeup and obviously some lipgloss.

  I combed my hair and put on my best perfume. I grabbed a handbag and went outside of the room. I went downstairs and waited for João since it was 5pm. I saw him coming down the stairs and he looked angelic. He was the most attractive and gorgeous person to ever exist.

  "Whoa, August. You look.. stunning" he said smiling

  "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." I said as I blushed at his compliment.

  He now was standing next to me. Since I was wearing high heels I was just a bit shorter than him. He interwined our hands together. We both went outside and got to his car. He sat in the drivers seat and me in the passenger.

  He seemed stressed, but I didn't know why



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