Chapter ten

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  When we arrived at his house I felt kinda dissapointed that I couldn't have my chocolate cake so I thought of making it myself. I went to Joãos kitchen and tried to find all the stuff. Suprisingly he had everything and I took everything out. I heated the eggs and added some flour and Cocoa powder and sugar. I also made the icing and put the cake to bake.

  I had no idea where João had gone so while the cake was baking I tried to find him around the house. Since it was gigantic it was pretty hard. I went upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door incase he was in there. No one answered so I went in.

  I saw a small ring box on his bed and I wanted to check what was in it. But just as I was about to get closer to it João came out of the shower eating only a towel. His hair was dripping wet and he looked more attractive than ever.

  "Uh, oh, uh, I think I forgot my phone in the kitchen" I said and ran away. What an akward situation. The blood rushed into my cheeks and it scarleted a deep maroon colour.

  The Owen beeped to signal that the cake was ready. I put on some Owen mittens to take it out. The cake baked perfectly, I just needed to let it chill a bit. While it was cooling down I was cleaning up after myself. The cake had cooled down and I had started putting icing on it.

  I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist, the touch gave me butterflies. How can a man make me fall with only touch? No man before has got me in such hold.

  "What are you doing babe?" He asked me and put his head on my shoulder as I put the icing on the cake

  The nickname made me blush. "Making myself a chocolate cake since I couldn't enjoy it before" I answered to him. His only answer was a sound that was between a groan and a moan.

  His hands slowly left my waist and so did the butterflies. I looked at him and he was fully dressed except like the last time I saw him, just thinking about it made me cringe. He was looking at his phone leaning against the kitchen counter, he couldn't have looked more amazing.

  I took the cake and setted it on the dining table. I took two plates for me and him to enjoy the cake. I cut the cake into slices and gave one slice for him too.

  "Oh thanks for this Gus" João said smiling

  "Tell me how it tastes please" I really needed his opinion. He took the fork and took a piece of the cake making sure he got the cake itself and the icing. He putted in his mouth and smiled.

  "It's really great Tine" He continued eating it

  I sat down and started to eat my piece myself. It was really good actually and it was just amazing. I put the rest of the cake in joãos fridge assuming he would eat it later, at least hoping he would.

  Me and him went in the living room.

  "I'll watch breaking bad" João said "wanna watch with me?"

  "Sorry not really into that show. But I can come sit next to you if it works for you" I said and moved closer to him. He held his hand open so I could sit next to him. He put his arm around me and I just sat on tiktok.

  "Do you want to come to my game tomorrow?" João suddenly asked

  "Oh sure!" I answered "what time?"

  "The game starts at 5pm, but you'll drive with me so we have to be outside of the house at 3pm" he answered focused on his show

  "Deal" I said. I was kinda excited to go to one of his games. I knew he would be a great player.

  In like half an hour I got a phonecall from James. I knew James never calls so this was important. I got up from João and picked up the phone.


  "Hi Augustine, I just wanted to remind you, we're leaving for Spain tomorrow morning "

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