Chapter eleven

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  "What?! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" I was shocked and confused at the same time

  "I thought that you knew!" James exclaimed

  "Look I can't leave-" I tried to excuse but James interrupted me

  "Is this about João?" he asked me

  "Maybe... Okay fine it is! And what?" I was angry at this point

  "You can't just choose a boy over your whole career"

  "He makes me more happy than the whole tour itself James" I was basically shouting

  "Okay you know, this is a decision for yourself. It's either your career or your love. You have time till tomorrow morning. Goodbye August, we might not meet in a long time" James said and ended the call.

  I was too shocked to even talk or think. My whole career, my fans, my everything or João. I think I know what I'm gonna choose. I went back to João and sat next to him.

   "What was it?" he asked

  "It was James, apparently I have to leave tomorrow, but don't worry. James let me chose, either I continue the tour or stay with you. Well if I decide to stay here I have nowhere to live so I don't know" I rambled

  "Look, whatever you do will be the right choice. And if you decide to stay here you can live with me! I have a guest bedroom just for you!" João smiled at me and it made me calmer.

  "Okay thanks João" I said to him.

  "I'm going to call James and break him the news " I said and took my phone. I unlocked it and found James contact

  "Hey James"

  "Gustine? You have an answer?" James asked me

  "Yeah and.. I've decided to stay here. I'm sorry I'll just work on new albums, but I don't know if I actually want the tour. Can you think of something? I'll address it on my Instagram then" I told him

  "Yeah okay, just remember I only support this choice because I work for you" James laughed

  "Bye James!"

  "Bye bye!" he said and hung up

  "João, can we go get my stuff from the hotel please?" I asked him

  "yeah of course" he told me and shut down the TV

  We putted on our shoes and started driving to the hotel. We blasted music all the way to there. When we got to the hotel we took a elevator up and went to my room. I picked up the suitcase I brought with me and threw everything in it.

  After I was done João took my suitcase from me and carried it for me. What a gentleman. Just as we were about to leave the hotel a ton of paparazzi showed up. They were taking pictures of me and him in different angles and kept shouting us questions. I knew that I can't answer any of them.

  Me and João took a run through the people to his car and it ended with me sitting in the backseat with my suitcase and him driving. We drove about a mile and he made me come to sit in front with him because apparently he felt "lonely"

  As we were driving he put his hand on my thigh and I started thinking about how it will be living with him. Who will make the food? Will I also have to pay for food, electricity and water? Will I sleep in a separate room? it's not like I wanted that, but I didn't know what he was comfortable with.

  We arrived at his house and he took my suitcase so I didn't have to carry it. He holded his own houses door open for me. He was being so nice today!

  "So you have two choices Augustine. Either you have your own room orrr you sleep with me" he said winking and I didn't know how to answer

   "Well I think I would love to have my own room" I lied

  "we both know you're lying. I'll carry your suitcase up to my room and clear half the closer for you okay?" he asked already on the stairs

  "yup!" I said and followed him

  "João?" I called to him
  "Yeah?" he answered in a soft tone

  "Do you have a piano?" I really needed it for my songs

  "I do actually! You wanna see it?" He asked me and smiled

  "Of course!" I answered happily

  Me and him walked to a room which was a bit smaller than his bedroom. The room had a big piano and some bookshelves.

  "Why do you need all this? Aren't you a sportist?" I laughed

  "Oh shut up, sometimes I also like to chill you know? And also isn't it kinda late? Do you want to go to sleep?" he asked me

  "Oh please, im so drained" I told him as we walked back to his room.

  I changed into something more comfortable and went in the bed next to him. I Laid my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on my stomach.

  Even though I couldn't admit it, I loved this man.

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