Chapter five

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  After I sang João invited me to stay at the party. He and my manager James put all of my stuff together and brought it away from the center of the party. While they did that I wandered around the house and realised how gigantic it was.

I suddenly went in the kitchen and saw how many drinks he had. He had every kind of every drink and every brand. It was a tough choice. Since I was feeling really brave today I took four shots of vodka and continued the exploring of the house.

  I suddenly ran into something and suprisingly it was João.

  "Oh hey Augustine, I tried to find you!" He said almost like he was relieved

  "Nice to see you too J"

  "J? That sounds weird not going to lie" he said almost laughing

  "Oh shut up" I answered annoyed that he pointed it out

  "Actually I wanted for you to meet someone" he said and went around the corner. Not even a second later he came out with a girl. She had brown hair and I would guess green eyes. She had a beautiful smile and she just looked stunning in general.

  Suddenly I got worried and stressed. what if she was his girlfriend? We weren't even together but I wouldn't deny that I didn't have anything against him. He was the most attractive person I've seen in my life, it's not that shocking that he has a girlfriend.

  "So August, this is my sister Este" Oh fuck obviously it was his sister. They look almost identical

  "Oh nice to meet you hey! I'm Augustine but you can call me Gus" I introduced myself

  "And I'm Este, nice to meet you too" She embraced me in a hug

  "Okay then I'm going to leave you both alone then!" João said and walked away

  Me and Este actually talked for a while. She was so nice. I found out that she worked at a local cafe that I've been at before and that she didn't live far from me. We scheduled to meet sometime and exchanged numbers.

  After exchanging them we went back to the drinks at to say we drank a bit. After we got up I couldn't even walk straight. I tried to get out of the house to call a cab, but I ran into someone again. And believe it or not it was João

  " Tine are you okay? Geez you look drunk" He said as he holded me up by my waist. I was drunk but that doesn't mean that I couldn't get butterflies.

  "Tine? Who are you calling Tine here? You're such a funny guy" I said without thinking. He didn't even answer and dragged me outside the house.

  "Do you want me to call you a cab?" João said while looking at his phone

  "I wouldn't mind." I answered, to be honest I was about to fall asleep on his shoulder

  "Gus don't sleep please, can you tell me your address?" João asked

  "Are you a stalker or something? Why do you need my address" I asked confused

  "For the cab driver to know genius" he was cocky wasn't he, but that was his whole personality anyways. He called a cab for me and sat me in it. He said something to me, but I was too drunk to understand him. On the way back home I thought of a song lyric so I decided to send it to João.

"Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine
You've ruined my life by not being mine"
Some lyrics I came up with :)

Who is this about I'm
dying to know

Gl on dying then!

But in any other way I
love them!

Thanks Jo ;)

  How do I tell him it is about him?

Song : Gorgeous - Taylor swift


Call it what you want  | João FelixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang