•- Chapter 1 -•

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     I look out the window of the car to see these creepy ass gates opening. I wait for my aunty A/n to open the door for me. Yes I know it's giving spoiled brat but I'm not spoiled I swear I'm just pissed off. I really had it good at my old school and I had to move here because they thought I wasn't used to being around other people, by people they mean other outcasts.

     "Come on Y/n you'll be okay over here I'm sure it isn't that bad" my older cousin C/n says. I mean he's right but still it's a new school how does he expect me to act, especially when I was the only one to be signed up to this damn school. Like come on he's older than me by a month and he's also an outcast so why just sign me up and not him too. "Cmonnn Y/n I'm sure you aren't gonna totally hate it here" says my other younger cousin C/n. I scoff, that's a load of bullshit. "C/n (younger) you are still Young live your dreams before you end up like me" I say with sarcasm. They start laughing at me. "Now why the fuck you guys laughing for" I say dropping my jaw in disbelief. They point behind me and I look at what they were pointing at. "Unlock the door you idiot" my older cousin tells me. I blush in embarrassment, I really thought they were waiting for me to finish saying my goodbyes but no I locked the door. How embarrassing.

     "Oh hi aunty" I say getting out the car. "Why did you lock the door?" She asks. "I didn't even know it was locked" I frown. At least nobody else was around to see that.

We walk into the campus and head to the headmasters office.

      We walk in and we're greeted by this lady. "Why hello there, you must be Y/n" she says looking at my older cousin. My jaw dropped in disbelief. This bitch. "No miss girl, that would be me" I say raising my hand. I could hear both of my cousins giggling. Ain't no way they think this is funny, I'm gonna hate it here.

     "My apologies Y/n" she says. "No it's okay" I say in my nicest tone. It's gonna be a day to remember, for my cousins that is.

     She starts talking about the school and Shit saying stuff like how this school doesn't usually accept students in this late throughout the year but my grades are so good that they 'Just had to' let me in, just because it benefits the school. Dramatic sigh. I don't really pay attention to what their saying at all because I honestly couldn't care less. Miss girl got his priorities.

     "Y/n?" my aunty says, snapping me out of my little trance. "Huh what happened" I say in response. My cousins giggle at my stupidity. I send them a glare and they stop giggling, knowing damn well that if it wasn't for my aunty and uncle being here then they would already be six feet under. Makes me wonder why my uncle is so quiet, usually he's like a social butterfly and shit. "Uncle you good" I whisper to him. He slows down a bit so now we are at the back behind everyone. "Keep your eyes open, this place doesn't feel right" he whispers to me. Ah yes, you see every one of us have wings not all the same color but we also have different abilities that paid our wings. My uncles ability is to sense danger even the slightest, so if he's telling me to watch myself then this might actually be an interesting year. "Ok" I say with a smile. "Y/n I'm serious right now there's something Off about this place, there is something bad here and you need to stay away from it" he whispers in a serious way. I frown. Come on man why he gotta ruin things like that, I mean I'm not gonna listen but still.

We walk into the dorm to see it decorated quite nicely, I also see this boy wearing a beanie and is dressed quite nicely. "Ajax this is your new roommate, Y/n" ms. Weems says point at me. "Hi, I'm Ajax" he says walking up to me and holding his hand out. I eye his hand down and Look at him. "Y/n" I say shortly and shake his hand. I don't even know why he introduced himself I literally heard ms. Weems say his name, as for why I said my name when ms. Weems already introduced me? I have no idea i just did. She keeps talking about some other shit I have no interest in so I stare off into the distance thinking about anything else.
     I get cut out when I hear my aunty, uncle, and cousins call me out. "What?" I say. They nod their heads in disbelief. "Oh yeah" I say walking up to my aunty. "Bye aunty" I say hugging her, she hugs me back. I walk up to my uncle and shake his hand. "Bye uncle" I say smiling. "Bye Y/n, remember what I told you" he says whispering the last part. I nod and move onto my cousins. "I don't even know if I should say bye to you guys" I say glaring at them. They know im joking around but it's still funny. "Come on Y/n shake my hand at least" my older cousin says sticking his hand out. I giggle and shake his hand. "Bye C/n" i say giggling. "What about me?" My other much younger cousin says. I stick out my hand for him to shake. "No, I'm not shaking your hand" he says crossing his arms. This bitch. My jaw drops as I glare at him. He instead hugs me "Bye Y/n" he says. "Mhmmm" I say hugging him back.

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