•- Chapter 12 -•

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I go to the police station a bit during lunchtime to check out Wednesday, I spent the rest of my day in the dorm with my cousins and Ajax. C/n and C/n seem to like Ajax enough. Aside from that, I need to know what happened with Wednesday and her family. Only a few before I found out that her mom got arrested too, leaving her little brother by himself, poor thing. I open the door to the police station looking around for that coffee boys dad. I see him in a small office, I walk into the office. "Can I see Wednesday?" I ask him. He looks at me up and down before looking at me in confusion. "Oh, a nevermore kid" he says looking at the nevermore uniform. Yeah no shit. "Where's Wednesday? I need to talk to her" I press. He shakes his head. "We're you working with her on the case?" He asks. In a matter of fact, I was. I nod confusingly. "Than you should've been behind bars too, do you guys have any idea who your putting in danger by just taking them with you guys?" He questions me. Now I never did go with Wednesday, today was supposed to be our first little duo expedition. I shrug not wanting to engage a conversation. "Where's Wednesday?" I ask again. He rolls his eyes and sighs. "The family was released, all charges dropped, family wasn't the ones who killed garret, he killed himself" he explains. I nod walking out. "Hey! Don't go wandering around places! You and Wednesday stay out of the case!" He yells. I giggle knowing we ain't gonna listen.

"There you are! Girly I've been looking for you the whole day!" I exasperate. I see her standing in front of her a limbo. She didn't tell me her family was rich? Lucky. "Y/n" Wednesday greets me. "So, we still on the mission?" I ask her. She nods. "We have to be extra careful, the cops are on my trail, and so is Principal Weems" she states. I nod. "So you are Y/n?" I hear a lady ask me. I look up and see Wednesdays mom. I nod. She looks so pretty. "Hello Ms. Addams" I wave smiling. She smiles and waves back. "Oh so your Y/n? Please watch after our little rain cloud, she can be a bit reckless sometimes" Wednesdays dad says walking to me. I nod smiling. "Hello to you too, Mr. Addams" I say giggling. He giggles too. "Leaving so early? The weekend isn't over yet?" I ask them. "We have work to do, I'm sure you can understand that" Wednesdays mom says. I nod. "Yeah my aunty and uncle had to leave yesterday for work too, now I'm left with their annoying kids, my cousins" I sigh. She smiles. I turn and walk away after waving at them. How nice.

"So when are we gonna go?" I ask Wednesday. "Tonight, but we're bringing a few extra people" she states. I sigh. I guess it's more safe that way. I nod.


It's almost time to go, I'm getting myself prepared for what could happen, just a few extra safety precautions.

"Where do you think your going?" I hear both C/n's and C/n's voices. I groan internally turning around. "Nowhere" I simply state. "So you just so happen to have two knives in your boot? And a few hidden in your back area" C/n(older) states. He used the word back area just in case someone was listening in on us. "Cut the crap, we know what your doing" C/n(older) says. I scoff. "Please, that's not gonna stop me anyways" I say walking away. "I won't try to stop you because I know full well you can handle yourself, but C/n wants to come with you, he wants to see first hand what you go through in combat" C/n(older) says. Is he crazy?! "I already tried to talk him out of it, and plus he would've just snuck off anyways, you influence him too much" C/n says. I look down at C/n(younger) shaking my head. "It's too dangerous, you aren't going" I state. This is where he shakes his head. "No, I'm gonna follow you anyways" he states. He's got a death note with his own name on it. Luckily, I'm here to erase it. "Fine, but the second something bad happens, you run out and come back here your heard me? Don't worry about me, don't stop to look back, just keep going" I stare deep into his eyes, challenging him. He nods and smiles. "Let's go" I lead him out.

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