•- Chapter 10 -•

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     "So that's the real story huh? Five Hyde's and this hooded figure had it out for us?" I ask. Why would they wanna come for us? They nod. "Why would they come for us? Out of every other outcast there is, they go for us? Why?" I question. "Maybe it was because of our lineage" my uncle says. I tilt my head. What is he talking about? He takes this as a sign to continue.

     "In the past there were two separate kingdoms, where us dark fey thrived. In our blood we have the blood of the first kingdoms leaders. Those leaders, were the only fey born with a special ability. As for your family, more specifically you and your siblings. You guys have the blood of both the first kingdom and the second kingdom. That's why your fey abilities differ in variety. Your father inherited the abilities of the first king from the second kingdom. As for your mother, she inherited the abilities of the first queen from the first kingdom" my uncle explains.

     "Your brother inherited the abilities of the third prince from the first kingdom. He had a bond with the earth, that's what made him so strong" my aunty says. I knew he was a special one.

     "As for you though, usually we either inherited our abilities or were born with different ones, but none of them were as strong as the first kings and queens" my uncle continues. "You were born with a different one, but yours was stronger than the first rulers" my uncle says. "You do know your ability right?" My uncles asks. I nod.

     "I was born connected to the wildlife around me, my ability, is to control the life around me, I can both give and take the energy from any living thing, that includes people" I explain. They nod.

     "Why don't we spend the rest of this time on more positive and fun things, I'm sure C/n and C/n are bored listening to this. You guys wanna go fly around?" I ask getting bored.


Wednesday POV


"It seems they've been lying to me, keeping secrets. Murderous secrets that need to be addressed" I hold up a paper of a case that my father had been accused of murder. On the paper had a picture or a boy,  Garret Gates.

     I hold up the paper, father looks at it in shock and horror. "Garret Gates, why were you accused of murdering him" I state. Everyone caught in shock, except me and Pugsley. "Woah" Pugsley says. "All charges were dropped! You're father is an innocent man!" Mother exclaims standing up. I don't believe that. "This is neither the time nor place" mother says. "I think this is exactly the time and place" Dr. Kinbott says. "This is none of your business!" Mother says cutting off Dr. Kinbott. She sits down as we relocate. Father and Pugsley following me and mother. I am so done with this.

As we return to the quad mother and father stick back a bit talking about something, if I had to guess it would be about the case.

I look around to inspect who's here, my eyes land on Y/n. I have to talk to him about the vision I saw about him. He had wings, I know that much for sure. I look around more, but my gaze is snapped towards the quad entrance, the police?
"Gomez Addams you are under arrest for murder, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, you have a right to an attorney but if you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you" officer Galpin says handcuffing father. What is happening? Father gets arrested first thing when he gets here, the case and dads arrest is connected somehow. I don't know how but I will find out.




Okay, soooo, Wednesday's dad just got arrested for murder. What an interesting family. Oh yeah, I was gonna go ask Ms. Weems if she could put me back with Ajax. "Okay you know what? Aunty, uncle, you guys can go now I know you guys totally skipped work, now go before you get fired. C/n and C/n can stay in my dorm until the weekend is over and I'll send them back" I say shooing my aunty and uncle away. They nod giving me a hug and a handshake before walking out the quad. I turn to my cousins. "I hope you guys are ready for an adventure" I say to both of them. Maybe I shouldn't involve the younger one. "Except you C/n, you're too young" I say looking towards the younger one. "What! That's no fair! I'm not young!" He yells. Yeah right. I roll my eyes before grabbing him and tossing him over my head. I grow vines to catch him since he couldn't use his wings. "Yeah right, you little baby" I tease. "Follow me" I say heading towards Ms. Weems office. I open the door as usual not caring to knock. "Y/n, to what I owe the pleasure" she states smiling. "Okay so one, C/n and C/n are gonna stay in my dorm because their parents had to go for work, I'll send them back after the weekend is done. And two, I wanna switch back to Ajax's dorm, we worked out our problems" I say smiling at the last part. She nods. "Yes, you can move back with Ajax, as for your cousins, it's fine as long as they're back with they're parents after the weekend. We cant have any distractions" she says. I giggle and nod. I walk out the door excited to move back in. C/n and C/n will come with me to Ajax's room though, they won't be sleeping in that room by themselves because I don't know I have a bad feeling about them being alone on this campus. Especially when they're father warned me about something on this campus. Could be the monster, could be something else.

"Follow me, pay attention because if I lose you I'm not turning back around" I say walking away. C/n(younger) groans as he runs up to me.

"Here we are" I say opening the door to a familiar room. I see Ajax's stuff on his side of the room. The side I used to be one before I left was completely empty, he didn't put anything on that side. "Hey I thought you had a dorm to yourself before this? Why can't we just take that one?" C/n(younger) asks. "Because your dad warned me about something on this campus and until I can uncover it, you guys are gonna stay with me, or at least you are C/n" I say looking pointedly at the younger one. "What?! Why me?! What about C/n?!" He asks obviously triggered. "C/n can take care of himself, your younger so you can take care of yourself but it really won't matter, your ass is gonna get kidnapped or even killed on your own" I say. He stops before nodding. "But for real though, you guys stay with me, your dad said something was up and I don't feel like putting you guys clueless in a room by yourselves where anything could happen. My senses are better than yours the second I sense something off I will be up and ready to protect you guys" I say looking to the side so they wouldn't see me face. "Does Y/n actually care about us?" C/n(older) asks. I playfully glare at him. "Shut the fuck up before I push you off a cliff" I say crossing my arms. We laugh before the door opens.

"Y/n!" Ajax says running up to me, hugging me tightly. He pulls back with tears in his eyes. "I thought you were dead! Wednesday said you went after the monster! I thought you died! Why the hell would you even do that?!?!" He questions me. We aren't even official and he's so worried about me, how cute. I giggle, probably a wrong move because he seemed to get even more mad. "And your laughing because I care about your safety?!?!" He shouts. My older cousin clears his throat taking Ajax's eyes off of me and to my cousin. "Oh yeah, Ajax, these are my cousins, they gonna stay in here till the weekend is over" I say gesturing towards them. Ajax looks at them and smiles waving at them. "My name is C/n and this is my younger brother C/n" C/n(older) says shaking Ajax's hand. C/n also shakes his hand saying hi. "Perfect you guys can have your little boy talk or whatever the fuck it is you guys do, I'm gonna go talk with Wednesday. Ajax Watch them for me make sure they don't do anything stupid and C/n watch your little brother and yourself, like I told you earlier" I say. Hopefully he got the hint saying 'if anything goes down give me a call and I will help you'.

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