•- Chapter 11 -•

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     I'm out looking for Wednesday. I hear an explosion go off at a pond, I and check out the noise, I see Wednesday sitting by a little boy? As I remember correctly from before her das got arrested, that's her brother. "Sorry to interrupt this little moment between you two but can I borrow Wednesday real quick" I say walking up behind them. Her brother jumps a bit at the sudden noise, Wednesday turns and looks at me. "Pugsley we can fish later, this is important" Wednesday says excusing herself from her brother. He frowns but nods, sorry little guy this is important.

     "Did you see anything? Weird? Last night before you found me?" I ask getting a good distance. "Yes, yes I did" she says nodding. I gulp back a lump. What if this goes the wrong way. "Don't, and I mean don't, tell anybody, I don't want anybody knowing about me, I only risked anyone finding out last night because as you could probably tell, I was about to die" I say fidgeting. "Your secret is safe with me, although I do have a few questions" she states. I nod, signaling for her to go on. "Your wings, is it something you intend on keeping a secret for long?" She asks. I shrug. "I will reveal them if the time is important but as of now, I am not risking it. Especially when my cousins are here, I could put as much risk on them as I put on myself" I say. She tilts her head with a look of confusion in her eye. I sigh. "The monster, I'm convinced is someone, it saw my wings and if it finds out that my aunty and uncle left leaving them here with me, that could be bad" I say. I take a breathe. "I'm a really chill and laid back person I'd love to say, completely stupid most of the times. But I can't be reckless with my cousins around me, if something bad were to happen... it would be all my fault" I explain. She nods. "Your whole family has wings?" She asks. I nod. "My family was born in a line of royalty among us feys. My cousins are no exception" I state. She tilts her head. What is she confused about this time?

     "Why would your cousins and aunty, and uncle come? Why wouldn't your parents and siblings come, that is if you have any siblings" she asks monotoned. I look down a bit in sadness. I look back up with a frown plastered on my face. "It's just me, my mom, dad, sisters, and my brother. They all died 8 years ago, I don't really remember it but I do know how they died" I say. Oh yeah, I don't know if my aunty got the right monster but I forgot about that. "Oh yeah, I found something out about the monster, well I don't know if my aunty and uncle had the right monster but when I described it to them, they knew what the monster was" I say. She looks at me with interest. "And? What did they say?" She asks a bit rushed. "It's called a Hyde, now I don't know for sure but just incase I have it wrong you should go look into it somewhere. After all you are doing the background information on this whole operation right?" I ask. She nods. "I'll go into it, as for you, I already found the monsters den, it's a blank, Eugene went there with me before the Rave'N. There's nothing in there that could be useful, and the night Eugene got attacked someone sabotaged the cave leaving no evidence behind" she states. Oh, so that's what happened that night. Poor boy. I nod. "I'll go investigate the woods tonight" I say about to walk away. "No, don't go into the woods by yourself, it's not safe, have someone with you or just don't go, I'll tell you when because I'm gonna go investigate and I might need your help" she states. Alright than, mission paused? Atleast I can spend more time with my cousins.

     I walk away and make my way back to the dorm so I can spend some time with my cousins before they go again. I look at my phone to see 5 missing calls from C/n(older). I start to panick. I run back to the dorm and push the door open, ready to do anything. I drop my jaw in disbelief when I see my cousins laying down on MY bed laughing as if they didn't just freak me out. "You two are sleeping on the fucking floor! You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaim fuming at them. These bitches got the nerve to start laughing even more?! They just trying to sleep pillow less and blanket less tonight. I walk over to my bed and push my older cousin off my bed as I pick up my younger cousin and drop him off the side of my bed. "No we're sorry please! Let us back on!" My little cousin begs. "No! Go cry about it bitch!" I say glaring at him playfully.

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