•- Chapter 2 -•

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     I walk through the woods by myself of course, one because I'm actually not supposed to be out the campus right now and two because these are the same woods people have been being killed. After a while I realize that it starts to rain. I prepared for everything but the rain. It's okay though because I love the rain it feels more calm and relaxing. Off in the distance I hear the police sirens. I walk as soft as I can and climb onto a tree to get a better view, also to not get spotted. Looking down I see a body with a bunch of scattered parts. Perfect, at least i know that monster hangs around this area. I don't stick around much because I have to get back to my dorm pretty soon.

     I walk around the woods a bit more, until I hear this leaves rustling and the branches start snapping. Perfect. After a Little Bit of time I hear these loud footsteps coming to me, I turn to the sound and stop for a bit. My eyes widen and for once in my life, I'm not scared I just know that I shouldn't play around with this thing because I honestly didn't think it was gonna be big. "Ooh bitch why you look like that, I feel sorry for you" I say frowning a bit before running out of the way. Swinging at me the last second it scratches right below my shoulders almost scratching the tip of my feathers. "Ow! Fuck man your killing my mood right now" I say running off as fast as I can. I would bring out my wings but hey what if there is a person controlling that ugly ass monster, I cant have anyone knowing about me especially a murderer. Maybe I can use the vibes instead it isn't something I try to hide as much although it also isn't something I want people to know but hey it's just one person so far.

     "Haha bitch eat my shit!" I yell growing and controlling it so that they help me run away faster. First thought? Get to the school it obviously isn't ready to die yet so it won't follow me into a place filled with people that could kill him.

     I am proved right when I get to the gates of the school. I look back to see it slow down and start growling before running the other direction. That was far fetched I stopped to look when it would've just kept running at me I should've looked over my shoulder. "Ah shit how the fuck am I gonna hide this" I say holding my shoulder. To make things worst I check the time to see that it's 20 minutes over the curfew. What the hell i literally left the school 8 hours before curfew how the fuck did this happen?


I get back to my room after sneaking around so I wouldn't get caught out after curfew. I open the door to my dorm slowly so it doesn't creak, I wasn't worried about any light going through due to the bottom of the door being pitch black. He's probably sleeping or something I should be fine. As soon as I close the door the light goes on and my roommate is there looking at me with a serious and curious look on his face. I instinctively turn a bit so that my arm is on the opposite side of his sight. I smile at him. "Why hello there" I say with the nicest tone I could pull forward.

"Where were you? It's been 20 minutes since curfew" he says walking closer. I turn constantly so that he wouldn't see the scratch. "Son of a bitch" I whisper. He looks at me again confusion all over his face. "Hey you know what I'm really tired and I'm sure you are too why don't we both just go to sleep" I say pulling off as much of a fake yawn as I could. "No what we're you doing and why are you being so suspicious" he says squinting his eyes. Hehe this is gonna be fun. "Ok ok fine, I was at the club okay? I was just having some fun?" I say trying not to laugh. He doesn't seem to buy it though. He raises his eyebrows but his face is still serious. Come on man. "I don't buy it" he says. "Yeah no shit" I whisper. I can't tell I could get in serious trouble and I really don't want people to know I got my ass kicked by a stupid monster.

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