Chapter 26 - The girl

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Wednesday's POV

At lunch I sat down in the courtyard eating my sandwich. I was texting Thing about home and he was telling me about he was using the painting room. Xavier sits down next to me making me put away my phone.
"Hey, how was class?" He asked putting his food on the bench.
"Fine. What about you?" I replied.
"It was fun actually, art class was fine, I met a new girl Taylor. She's into art too, she has this crazy ability to make things appear out of no where." He said. When he was describing her to me my stomach churned. It wasn't like butterflies, this wasn't a good feeling. It reminded me of the time Crackstone stabbed me.

"Oh, she sounds.. arty?" I replied. I didn't know how to respond to my boyfriend complimenting another girl. Xavier realised I didn't know what to say and changed the subject.
"Ajax was pestering me all morning, as soon as he saw me in yesterday's clothes." He laughed putting his arm around me. I found a sense of comfort in the action and it made the churning feeling in my stomach go away.
"Same with Enid. I eventually just told her we had sex." I said bluntly. Xavier coughed a bit on his own saliva.
"Woah, didn't know you were open like that Addams." He laughed. I smirked a bit too at the joke, I did surprise myself when I told her.

Then someone sat at our table, I was expecting it to be Enid or Ajax but it was someone else. I starred at them confused but Xavier spoke up.
"Oh hey Taylor, what's up?" Xavier spoke to her.
"Hey, can I sit here today? It's my first day so I don't really have many friends." She asked smiling at him. That smile made me want to stab her. But Xavier being the nice person he is said yes.

So we ate lunch, with Taylor laughing at Xavier's jokes and then having a conversation. While I was staring uncomfortable at the both of them. Even though he had his arm around me, that churning feeling was strong.

I walked into my dorm confused. I explained the whole thing to Enid. Who was laying on her bed with Ajax sitting on the floor next to her.
"That bitch! Want me to wolf out on her." Enid said showing her claws. I thought about it for a second but didn't reply.
"Maybe you should talk to Xavier. Tell him your feelings?" Ajax asked.
"And start an argument, no." I replied pacing around the room.
"You see Ajax, when there are girls like this, they don't respond to communication." Enid explained as he sat on her bed.
"What do they respond to?" Ajax asks confused.

I could see the light bulb go off in Enid's head as she had a smile rise to her face. I stopped pacing the room and looked at her.
"I've got a great idea." Enid spoke.
She told me to show Taylor that Xavier's mine. Anytime I see Taylor do something flirty with him Enid said to kiss him, or show some affection that will catch him off guard.
I must say, as much as this will be embarrassing for me I think Enid is on to something.

The next day I woke up and got dressed. Enid said I had to 'dress for revenge' but since it was a school uniform it was very difficult. So she made me style my hair differently. Sure, I had done it for a date with Xavier but never for everyone to see.
She took my plaits out making me cringe and styled my hair. She just let it wear out naturally with no up-do. My waves from the plait laid down my back. I felt strange, all this for revenge? How does my look matter with my motive.

I walked through the corridors and everyone was whispering looking at me.
All this over a stupid hair change?
I reached my locker putting my stuff away. I saw someone stand next to my locker so I closed the door. It revealed Xavier smiling at me.
"You look nice." He said tucking my hair behind my ears.
"Thanks." I replied awkwardly. "It was Enid." I said.
"I figured." He said grabbing my hand and walking me to my class. On the way there I saw Taylor walking with Bianca. Hopefully since she found friends she would leave mine alone.
Bianca smiled at me while Taylor smiled at Xavier. I noticed when Taylor walked next to Xavier she purposely brushed their hands.

It took every ounce of me not to turn around and use my fencing skills. Instead I squeezed his hand harder.

I made it to class and Xavier kissed me goodbye. He had art now. Great.
I tried to focus on my studies during class and it worked. I completely forgot about Xavier and Taylor and made it successfully to lunch.
I was sitting on a bench with Enid and Ajax eating lunch when Xavier sits down next to me.
He kisses my cheek.
"Hey guys." He says.
"Sup." Ajax replies.
"Soo Xavier, I see your friends with that new girl, Taylor?" Enid asked bringing it up. My eyes widened and I could see Ajax's did too.
"Yeah, she's cool." Xavier said.

"Not as cool as Wednesday though?" Enid asked sarcastically.
"Never, my girl's the coolest." Xavier said grabbing my hand. The churning feeling in my stomach went away and was replaced with butterflies.
Enid smirked with pride at his answer.
We continued eating lunch in peace.

It was now after school and I was trying to find Xavier. I looked in his dorm and he wasn't there. I asked Ajax and he said Xavier went out on a run. So I waited around the school for a while until I went into the library. I heard some familiar voices.
I hid behind a bookcase and listened closely.

It was Taylor and Xavier.


But hear me out. 🤭

It will get better I promise! I'm not going to make it a 5 chapter thing about Xavier and Taylor because Xavier loves our girl Wednesday too much.


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