Chapter 4 - What?

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Wednesday's POV

I woke up in my bed and immediately walked down for breakfast. I sat next to Pugsly across from my Mother and Father.
"So, my little dark cloud we have news." My father spoke.
"Yes, I think you are going to love it." Mother chimed in.
"What is it." I replied.

"We have invited the Thorpe's to stay for a week, we figured since you knew Xavier before school, and now you have reconnected, you should become good friends." Mother spoke.
"What?." I sat with a straight face, though I felt shocked inside.

"Where are they going to sleep?" Pugsley asked.
"Vincent will sleep downstairs, while Xavier will be across the hall from Wednesday." Father spoke.

"Sometimes I feel like you do these things on purpose." I spoke sarcastically.

"We try." Mother smirked.

After breakfast I went up to my room and immediately did something I swore I would never do.
I called Xavier.

Ring, Ring, Ring

Hello, who's this?

It's Wednesday.

Oh... I thought you said I wouldn't expect a call?

I could basically hear him smiling.

You are staying in my house next week.

So I heard, you seem very excited.

Well you must be deaf.

Tell me about your house anyway.

So I told him about the house, where he was going to be sleeping and I told him about the paint room he could use. I figured it would be best to set it up for him since it is his way to not bother me.

Me and thing spent a few days setting it up, my Mother nearly caught me but I hid. If anyone finds out that i'm being 'kind', i'm blaming thing.

The day finally arrived, i sat in my room looking out the window. I saw a car drive in the gates and park out the front.
It would be unwelcoming for me not to greet them, so that is what I was going to do. But my Mother made me come down. As I went downstairs I saw Xavier exit with his father and even for a second, I felt a wave of nervousness.

Great, this week is going to be very annoying.

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