Chapter 22 - Christmas

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Wednesday's POV

We arrive at the Thorpe's and Xavier is waiting outside. He puts is bag in the back and then jumps into the car.
"Hey Nes." He sits next to me and kisses me.
"Hey." I reply. I don't know why I'm so awkward, i'm normally very straight forward.
"Where's this cabin anyway." He asks clearing the tension.
"About an hour away from Enid's house." I replied.
"Oh ok." We are picking up Ajax next and his house is 2 hours away. Great.

Xavier is on my phone and I'm just sitting there.
"Do you think there's snacks in here?" Xavier asks.
"Maybe, check." So he does and there was a fully stocked mini fridge and a cabinet full of every snack imaginable.
"Woah cool, tell your parents I said thanks." He said before grabbing a pringle can. As he is eating it I took one. He laughs and then lays his head on my shoulder. The awkward stage has passed, thank God.

We were watching a christmas movie called 'Love hard.' on a mini tv the limo had.
"He pretended to be someone he's not, she should dump him." I spoke up.
"What noo, he loves her, he just knew she wouldn't fall for him. She should get to know him." Xavier argued.
"You have very different ideas about love than me."
"Yet you still fell in love with me." Xavier laughed before kissing me.

The two hours past quickly as we talked and did 'couple' things. We also stopped once to refill on snacks for Ajax and to get gas.
We pulled up to Ajax's house and he came out and put his stuff in the back and then went into the car.
"Hey guys, what's up." Ajax said very excited. I still don't know how this trip is going to be but everyone seems so excited, it's disgusting.
"Hey Ajax, check this out." Xavier said as we started driving. Pulling open the snack cabinet and mini bar.
"That's sick, don't mind if I do." Then we continued watching more christmas movies starting one called 'Surviving Christmas.'

"So Wednesday what are we gonna do in the cabin?" Ajax asked.
"I don't know. Mother and Father got interior designers to deck it out in Christmas stuff. Sometimes I feel like they try to make my life miserable. Xavier and Ajax laughed. Xavier put his arm around me.
"Come on Nes, it's going to be fun."
"Yeah, we can like eat a bunch of food and not worry." Ajax agreed.

We pulled up to Enid's house and Ajax went outside and grabbed her bags to put in the back.
Enid jumped in. Her outfit was more calm then normal, a red coat and a green beanie.
"Isn't this great! I don't have to spend Christmas with my parents. I can spend it with my bff, my boyfriend and my bff's boyfriend!" Ajax came back in and sat next to Enid.
"We were just watching Surviving Christmas." I stated and pressed play.
"I love this movie, it's so funny!" Enid laughed staring Ajax's snacks.
"Hey, babe come on share." It was nice seeing Ajax not breaking Enid's heart. I have grown on him, so killing him now would of been a shame.

"Hey, how many rooms are in this cabin." Xavier whispered to me.
"I don't know, why?" I asked.
"Well, I thought we would sleep in the same bed?" He asked even though we've done that before.
"Sure. And I lied there was 2 rooms so you would have to sleep with me anyway." I smirked at him.
He laughed and started eating my chips.

We arrived at the cabin an hour later. It overlooked the mountains that were already covered in snow.

 It overlooked the mountains that were already covered in snow

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You could see a big tree from the outside in the living room.
Enid squealed from excitement and we all go closer to the window to look at the house.
"Woah." Ajax and Xavier said.
We pulled up to the driveway and grabbed all our bags. I turned the key inside the house and Lurch drove off.
As I entered the entrance I could see it was very... Christmas.

It had a big fireplace and a decorate tree

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It had a big fireplace and a decorate tree. The living room had leather couches and high ceilings. The kitchen was a all wood. It was definitely a cabin.

Enid explored around while I went to find my room. I found the first room I could find and put my stuff on the bed. The two rooms were the exact same just on different sides of the hallway.

 The two rooms were the exact same just on different sides of the hallway

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Xavier came in and put his stuff on the bed.
"Woah. Wednesday this place is crazy." He said in disbelief.
"If only it wasn't real." It was so bright. Hey couldn't Mother and Father rented a haunted cabin?
I laid down on the bed and looked out into the sky. It was getting dark. Xavier laid next to me and put his arms around my waist, he sighed.
"It's our first Christmas together." He spoke looking at me.
I turned to face him looking up.
"I know, don't worry. It won't be the last." I stated.
He smiled and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and moved closer to him running my hands through his hair.
"Hey Wednesday can you come help us make dinner!" Enid yelled. That moments ruined. We pulled away and Xavier laughed.

We walked out and saw Ajax and Enid looking through the fridge.
"This place is fully stocked! They have chicken nuggets." Ajax said.
"Cool put them in the oven." Xavier replied.
That night we had chicken nuggets and chips, we just weren't bothered making food.
Enid put her presents under the tree. It had pink wrapping paper.
Ajax went next his was blue wrapping paper.
Xavier's was red and mine was Black. They started making fun of me. So I pulled out a knife and held it up. They all went quiet after that.

I had a shower and changed into my black and grey checkered pants and a long sleeve back shirt. Everyone else was in their rooms so I went into the living room turning on the tv. There was a movie called Elf on, I kept it on and started watching it.
"Hey babe, oh cool i love this movie." Xavier said laying down next to me.
I laid my head on his shoulder and continued watching the movie.
"I love you Wednesday." He spoke.
"I know." I replied smirking. I just felt like annoying someone.

"Excuse you?" He asked laughing.
He grabbed my waist and put my on top of him. I was smiling a bit but tried not to show it.
"Fine I love you too." I spoke.
"Good, we were about to have problems."
"We both know I would kill you in a millisecond." I replied.
"Maybe." He laughed and we finished watching the movie. Though Enid and Ajax joined us halfway through and started cuddling as well.

not gonna lie don't know if I like this chapter.

BUT i'm not gonna re do it lol.

Nearly Christmas!


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