Chapter 23 - Christmas Pt2

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Xavier's POV

I woke up in the cabin next to Wednesday. She was still sleeping so I got up and decided to go for a walk.
Ajax was up too.
"Hey man, I'm going for a walk." I told him about to leave.
"Hey, can I come?" Ajax said.
"Sure go get ready." He got up and quickly ran to his room getting ready and coming out 2 minutes later.

We started walking up the mountain.
"This place is beautiful, isn't it." Ajax said.
"Yeah, Wednesday's parents really went out." It must of costed them a fortune.
"What's the deal with you and Wednesday anyway." He asked.
"I don't know, I love her. It's nice knowing she loves me back. I just feel so safe with her like when I'm with her the whole world fades away." Ajax agreed.
"Yeah I feel the same way with Enid, she's so great. I can't believe I was too scared to ask her out when I first started liking her." He laughed. It was pretty funny seeing him complain to me how stupid he was stoning himself in the mirror.

We got to a high point in the mountain. You could see the cabin from there. In the window you say Enid and Wednesday in there pajamas. Enid's were much more colourful then Wednesday's.
Enid was dancing and Wednesday looked like she wanted to die as Enid tried to make her dance.
Me and Ajax were dying of laughter and took a few photos.
We started walking down the mountain to get back home.
"I can't believe we both have girlfriends." Ajax stated.
"It's crazy. But we get to have trips like these now."
"Yeah even if I'm scared Wednesday's going to murder me in my sleep." Ajax said, he seemed genuinely scared. It made me laugh.

We walked back into the cabin. Enid came and gave Ajax a hug as he walked in the door.
I saw Wednesday looking at the tree.
I walked up next to her.
"What are you doing Nes." I asked looking at the tree too.
"It's so colourful." She stated, trying to kill it with her glare.
"Yes it is, come on you can't change the tree let's just make breakfast." I grabbed her arm and walked to the kitchen. Enid was making pancakes.
"I can't believe it's Christmas eve!" She said very excited for just waking up. Unlike Wednesday who was still very moody.
"I can't believe I agreed to this trip." She said banging her head on the counter.
I sat next to her and patted my hand on her head making her lift it up.
"You'll be fine." I said giving her a kiss and then going to change into something less warm.

I walked out into the living room to Enid and Ajax pouring flour all over each other. It made me smile, I know Wednesday would never do that with me but it was a very cute thing. Speaking of Wednesday she was continuing to bang her head on the counter. I walked up next to her and put my hand down where she was hitting her head. She looked up.
"What." She stated.
"Someone's moody." I laughed putting my arm around her.
"Why are they putting flour all over each other?" She asked very annoyed.
"Hey it's fun look." I grabbed the flour bag and sprinkled some on her head.
She stopped and for a second I thought she was going to kill me.
"I would suggest running." She stated grabbing a flour bag and starting to chase me. I ran outside thinking she wouldn't follow but she did. Managing to pour the entire thing on my head.

We were laughing now and we stopped looking each other in the eyes. I grabbed her face and brought it to mine. We shared a passionate kiss before I picked up her up and spun her around.
"Hey, put me down Xavier." She stated, though I could see her smiling.
I put her down and we went inside to clean up.

It was nighttime now and we were all watching a movie. We decided to order pizza and Enid wanted to watch Home Alone. Wednesday was asleep on my chest so I was talking to Ajax and Enid.
"What did you get Wednesday for Christmas?" Enid asked.
"Hmm can't tell you, your just going to have to find out." I replied.
"Fine, Ajax what did you get me?" Enid asked him.
"Nice try." He said watching the movie and stuffing his face with pizza.

I went to bed and Wednesday was still asleep on the couch. It was 10 minutes till midnight and I was just on my phone. Bianca and Kent had gone to Australia for Christmas, wanting to be in summer. Smart, though nothing beats a white Christmas.

The door opens and a half awake Wednesday walks in immediata jumping into bed. She rolls over to face me.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"11:55." I replied.
"Ok, who's instagram is that?" She asked as I was going through the videos of Bianca and Kent."
"Bianca's, she's with Kent in Australia." I replied.
"Oh, would you want to be in Australia?" She asked me. It made me laugh, this girl is so oblivious sometimes.
"I would want to be anywhere if it's with you." I replied facing her and giving her a kiss.

We woke up the next morning to Enid. She was super excited.
"Guys wake up it's Christmas!" She yelled.
I slowly got up pulling Wednesday with me.
"I don't want to." She said rubbing her eyes.
I put my arm around her and guided her to the tree, we all sat next to it.
"Ok, I'm gonna open my presents first!" Ajax said.
He sat there unwrapping all our presents. I got him a new Xbox game he wanted and some cool sunglasses. Wednesday got him chocolates and a new beanie, which surprised me.
Though Enid got him a bunch of stuff. A scrap book of all photos of them together, all his favourite chocolates and some clothes.
"Thank you guys, I appreciate it." He said giving Enid a big kiss.

"All right my turn!" Enid said grabbing all her presents.
I got Enid a gift card for that dress shop in Jericho since I don't really know what else. She did appreciate it though. Wednesday got her some pink clothes and a very colourful makeup pallet. Enid gave Wednesday a big hug for thank you.
Ajax got Enid a bracelet of sapphires and a stuffed animal thing, plus some chocolates. Safe to say Enid gave Ajax a massive hug.

Next it was Wednesday's turn. She grabbed her presents and unwrapped them all. Ajax got her a black hoodie. Enid gave her a 'death note'. We all started laughing knowing Wednesday would fill that up in about 5 minutes. Enid also got her a lego set saying they can build it for their dorm.
Then it was my turn, but there was no present under the tree. Wednesday looked at me with her eyebrows raised.
I pulled her present out of my pocket.
"My present for you is a two part thing, the main gift is waiting at your house."
I handed her the car keys and her face went shocked.
"My dad had this old rolls royce, he was going to throw it out. But I worked on it for a bit and your parents said it's alright for me to give it to you." She was shocked, she grabbed my shirt and gave me a kiss. I was smiling as Ajax and Enid started whopping making Wednesday pull away blushing.

Finally it was my turn. Ajax handed my present and I opened it. It was a bunch of clothes and a new cologne. Enid got me some new paints which I appreciated, I just ran out. Then Wednesday handed me two presents. I opened the first one in a small black box. It was a silver ring, with matching black stones like the one for Wednesday's necklace. It was amazing.
"Thank you babe." I said kissing her on the cheek. I opened the second one to find a vinyl. It was the song we danced to that night in the ballroom. I can't believe she found the song.

It was a very successful Christmas and the next day we woke up sad to go home. But we hoped into the limo after putting our bags in the car and waved goodbye to the cabin.




Very wholesome and cute chapter 🥰


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