Chapter 5 - Us

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Wednesday's POV

Xavier walked up to me after greeting my parents. Putting his hand out to shake mine, I was hesitant but I shook it, It was almost like an electric shock when we shook hands. He smiled at me.

"How are you?." He asked.

"I'm fine. I'm surprised you found our home." I replied.

"It's hard not to miss, very different then any other house in your neighbourhood."

We walked up the stairs and I showed him his room across mine and the paint room he can use.

"This looks great Wednesday. Did you do this?" He started smirking at me.

"Don't be silly, it was all thing." I lied.

Thing jumped up and waved to him, Xavier returned it and turned back to me.

"Well I will let you settle in." I walked out after that. If uncle Fester was here he would go on about the 'tension' we had. Something snapped in me and I turned back around and walked into his room.

He seemed shocked when I walked back in and gave me a questioning look.
"If you want, I can show the graveyard tonight, it is most beautiful with a full moon."

He smiled at me. "I would love too, i'll meet you in the hallway at 9 after dinner?"

Dinner was quite silent, it was mostly Xavier's father and my parents talking. Though me and Xavier did shared a few glances towards each other.

At 8:59 I was ready, I was wearing a striped shirt with my oversized black hoodie. I'm not going to change who I am for a boy. And i'm defiantly not dressing fancy to walk in my own graveyard.

I walked out at 9 and saw Xavier to the exact same thing. We met in the middle and immediately started walking downstairs.

"This place is the exact same as I remember it." Xavier spoke up.

"Why change something that is perfect." I stated.

"I agree." He was looking at me. I pretended not to notice but I felt something moving in my stomach that wasn't nausea.

As we walked around the graveyard I explained to him the different gravestones. I tried scaring him by getting thing to jump out a grave but Xavier just laughed, the interaction almost made me smile, almost. I asked him about home but he just relied that it was fine.

"Have you been painting me recently?" I asked.

He blushed, giving me my answer.

"Sometimes,your quite the inspiration for art." He looked like he wanted to say something else.
"Can i ask you a question Wednesday?."

"If you must." I replied.

"Why did you go with Tyler to the dance?" His voice was soft, even with a hint of hurt.

"Thing, he set me up, gave a note to Tyler saying it was me. I went with him because I thought it would confirm if I had feelings for him. But i'm over him now. If anything i'm mad I wasted a night on him." I replied.
I didn't know why I opened up to Xavier but I can't reverse my words now.

We made our way back into the house and he walked into the ballroom.

"In that case, may I have this dance?" He held out his hand and I saw thing put on ballroom music.


I thought about it. Then I gave him my hand. He put his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder.

We glided across the room, looking into each others eyes. He was smiling at me and for a moment I get myself smiling back. But I shut it off.
We danced around the ball room, it was just the two of us. It was almost like magic.

No one said a word, it was like we were talking through the music. Is this what the ball would of been like if I went with Xavier. Tyler didn't talk much and when we danced together he just stood there.

As me and Xavier danced through the music we got closer together. Finally he spoke up.

"Your a very good ball dancer Wednesday."

"I could say the same for you."

As the music came to a end our faces moved closer. He put his hand on my cheek and brought my face to his. We closed the gap, it was a short kiss, like my one with Tyler's but it was only Xavier on my mind.

We pulled apart and I fell, I was having a vision. Instead of a dark vision coming through of Xavier killing someone, it was a vision of us at school. It seemed to be after break. We were holding hands walking around. It then cut to him showing me paintings of myself, lastly it was a vision of us kissing.

My vision ended and Xavier was holding me on the floor.
"Wednesday are you alright? What happened in the vision."

I replied "It was good... I had a good vision."

He seemed confused "What was it?"


We stood up and walked up stairs awkwardly. Do I say something? We reached our rooms.
As i went to walk in a hand grabbed my wrist, he pulled me back in and kissed me again. 5 seconds later we pulled apart.
I didn't say anything, I was shocked.

"Goodnight, Wednesday." He smiled at me.

"Goodnight Xavier." And I found myself smiling back.

As soon as I walked in my room, I texted Enid about everything.

Omg nearly 300 reads just a day after a post this story. Thank you all so much for support I really appreciate it!

Hope you liked this chapter, I think it's the best yet <3


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