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10 years earlier;
January 12,2013 ,Tuesday
Sariyah Amariana Love; 8 years old
I walked in the house seeing my dad & his drunk friends watching Tv. I ain't even have the time for his bullshit today. I rolled my eyes & walked upstairs closing my door.
I took my shoes off sitting them next to my door. I heard my dad talking to his friends about me not speaking which at the time I ain't really care for.
He's an abusive ass person so I wasn't finna say anything. I heard a knock on my door. " yes?" I said.

My dad walked in with his beer bottle in his hand. "so you not gon greet the owner of this house when you walk the fuck in?" he said. " my fau-no come here" he interrupted me, snatching me by my neck. I couldn't talk, scream , anything. His friends came in and he let go of my neck switching his hold to my wrist.
He threw me on the bed "Stop!" i yelled. He grabbed my pants and threw them. I tried to fight back so hard. One of his friends pinned my arms down while they took turns shoving inside me. I just cried and cried.
After they were done, my dad grabbed my face with my dried up tears "you better not say shit either" he said spitting on me. I felt disgusting.
I fell off my bed and dragged myself to the bathroom with blood all down my legs. I made it to my bathroom and crawled inside closing my door, locking it. "why me god? why me?" I heard my room door open and I instantly got scared. "Sweetie are you okay?" my mom asked trying to twist the knob. "open the door riyah" she said softly.
I crawled over to the door still naked and unlocked it. She opened the door seeing all the blood. She got on her knees and lifted up my face. "Did he do this to you? or did u just make all this shit up?" she said. I mugged her "are you kidding?" I said shaking from the anger built up in me. I pushed her off of me " get out" I said. "Excu-you heard what i said the first time. If you didn't I'll repeat myself Get the hell out." I said looking her in her eyes.
She stood up and I pushed her out and slammed the door locking it. I sat on the floor looking at my cabinet. I was very smart for an 8 year old and I knew that wasn't supposed to happen to me. I stood up slowly and opened my cabinet grabbing a razor.
I looked at it for a minute admiring the blade before sliding it against my wrist making a cut.
It felt... painful but good. I felt like it was my fault. I wanted the pain to continue.
Hey y'all this my first book so ntm on me but lemme know if y'all like it so I can continue it. The next chapter will of course be when she is older 18 to be exact but this chapter was very emotional for me to write. I pray for anyone who does go through this or went through this cause it's not right. #alllove
my face claims will be from SHESOPYNK cause they eat so yeahhhhh!!!
•let me know you thoughts
•also dm me some ideas to continue with

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