𝐂𝐇. 16

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I dreamed of Simon Riley for the first time.

It was confusing, being thus I was in my apartment back in Los Angeles. It was midnight and the place was dark, except for the white lights under the cabinets that did so little to illuminate my kitchen.

I was drinking cold water and some droplets fell from my lips. I wiped them with the back of my hand and leaned against the cold counter. My head fell between my shoulders. Everything was cold. My apartment, the water, the counter, the floor. Everything except for me. My body.

I was so fucking hot, from the tip of my toes to the top of my head, that I couldn't hold back anymore. I needed something. Not something, but someone. I needed fucking release or else I was going mad.

So I tried, going straight to the point. My fingers found that sensitive point between my thighs, and I sighed happily. I tried not to think about that someone, about him, but that was way too impossible. Every time I tried to think of something else, my body would refuse and it would turn uncomfortable.

As my mind wandered back to him (just to try and understand what the fuck was going on with me) my body came alive immediately and soon I was panting. And I understood. It was him. He was the reason I was so bothered, hot, the only reason I could get myself off. I needed his hands on my body. His breath on my neck. His growl in my ear. His body pressed against me.

Shit, even in my dreams I was damned.

Even though I thought of him as I touched myself, it wasn't nearly enough.

It. Wasn't. Fucking. Enough.

I closed my eyes and threw my head back, imagining he was coming behind me, his hands stroking my hips, planning to take over me. I imagined his breath tickling my neck as he leaned in to say into my ear, "Is this what you want, Valentina?"

I made a sound in the back of my throat when I heard my name come out of his mouth. My lips parted, and I shook my head because that was the only way I could respond.

His warm fingers gripped my thigh, teasing me, close to where I wanted him the most, and he pushed them wider. "What do you want then?"

"I want... your fingers."

"Like this?" He gripped my thigh again.

I shook my head. "No."

"Then show me how, baby, show me how you want it."

I imagined I took his hand and pushed it upward, though it was still my own fingers teasing my opening. I was about to push a finger inside of me when he stopped me. "No." His voice was too close, too clear, too real. And then I felt firm hands on my hips and a growl in my ear, "Show me."

And that was when I woke up, tangled in the sheets, sweating and breathing heavily, on the very edge of coming apart. I laid there, staring up at the ceiling for a very good twenty minutes, repeating that dream over and over in my head, my breathing now and then deepening and never getting back to normal.

What the fuck just happened? I couldn't get myself to feel anything because God, I was so fucking hot. So hot just like in my dream.

When did I decide it was such a good idea to dream about him?

I looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand next to my bed and sighed. Four in the fucking morning. Not only two hours ago I was caught red-handed in Simon's room.

I remembered his eyes after he caught me, confused, like he was torn between wanting to kick my ass out of his room and wanting to bend me over his lap to teach me a lesson (on that same, particular, ass).

And it did take me by surprise. His confusion, that is. I thought he'd be furious, maybe even kill me on the spot, but no. He wanted to devour me and I wanted him to oh so do exactly that and maybe some more. But then he told me to leave and I knew it was the last chance to not mess this up. So I left, got under the covers, and fucking thought of the possibilities if I ever dared to stay, which drove me to that dream.

Seriously, what was the worse that could happen? I could most likely be sent back home, mission failed and be damned. I could get fired if only Simon was a coworker and I had a relationship with him, which I did not and even did not plan to.

I couldn't get fired for sleeping with an ally, right? Because that was all he was. An ally. Not a coworker (well, not exactly). Not a boss. Not an employee. Just an ally I happened to work with just for a small amount of time.

Wait a damn minute, what the fuck was I doing? Making excuses so I could fuck Simon Riley?

Oh, no.
No no no.
A cold shower.


It didn't work. My body still hummed lowly, refusing to settle down until I have him under me... or on top. Whatever worked for him.

Mierda. I was starting to lose my mind.

I threw myself back on my bed, ignoring the fact that I wouldn't get any sleep and knowing damn well I was going to start thinking about Simon again.

Is this what you want, Valentina?

Imagining Simon uttering those words really made me want to actually hear them.

I turned over my bed, pressing my eyes tightly, before I faced the ceiling again, my body once again starting to tremble with fire. I knew Simon wanted me. His eyes screamed that he did. And I knew I wanted him too. But it was wrong. I wasn't here for this. He wasn't here for that either.

But God, I didn't know what to do. Now I understood his confused eyes. Because now I was torn between crossing the hallway to have my way with him and just getting off with my own fingers to fall back asleep.

I was so damn confused.

I closed my eyes, the dream coming back at me.

Then show me how, baby, show me how you want it.

My finger played with the end of my bathrobe that had fallen up my thigh and did nothing to hide my bare flesh. Because yes, I hadn't bothered to put on some clothes.

No, show me.

My finger slid up my thigh as I spread my legs apart. The air on my exposed area made me shiver, and I arched my back once I met my already wet pussy.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.
And I couldn't believe it was still not enough.

You know what? Fuck it.

I got up from my bed, walked to the door, and threw it open, then crossed the hall to Simon's room.

I came to a halt right in front of his door. My breathing was heavy, the only sound in the place. I knew all I had to do was knock, but now new doubts came into my mind.

What if he actually doesn't want me? What if that desire in his eyes was actually hatred toward me? What if we end up getting kicked out of our mission? Or worse, fired?

This was a mistake.

I spun around and started walking toward my room, but a sound behind me made me stop right a step away from reaching my door, and I turned around.


Simon Riley had opened his room. He stood there in nothing but pants, and obviously that mask, which ridiculously turned me the fuck on. His eyes darkened as he took me in, and I watched the way he fought against the same doubts I had.

Why did he have to open it? What now? My breath was stuck in the back of my throat. My nipples getting hard as I waited. For what? I didn't know.

And then I knew. When his eyes gave up, when he took a step back and opened his door wider, I knew what was next.

Goosebumps appeared on my skin as I walked past him and into his room, hearing the door shut behind us.



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