𝐂𝐇. 65

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I woke up with a pounding head, almost like a hangover, must've been because of the breakdown last night. The reminder set me off internally, and I mentally started to freak out. What the fuck happened last night? Did I really have a terrible breakdown in front of Ghost? Did he really comfort me and it actually worked? God, I couldn't believe I let him see me that vulnerable.

I was facing away from Ghost and I was too embarrassed to turn around and see him. I felt his warm presence though he wasn't touching me, but I knew he was there. He was probably awake too. My stomach churned because it was weird to wake up without his arms around me. What if he didn't see me the same after what happened? It sounded absurd.

After crying all over Ghost like a pathetic girl last night, he picked me up from the ground and got us into bed, where he wrapped his arms around my waist while I buried my face in his neck again, and held me until I forgot about everything and fell asleep.

It did sound absurd. Ghost wouldn't do that, push me aside after showing him the dark side of my life. Ghost owned the damn darkness, he wasn't scared by it, he wouldn't be scared if I showed him I had parts of myself in it too. I wanted him to understand that every person had their issues, and still every person belonged to both sides, light and dark. I wanted to show him that he did too belong to both sides as well.

I finally turned around ready to face him, only he wasn't laying on the bed as I expected. He was sitting on the edge with his back toward me, his head hanging long on his shoulders. The well-defined muscles were smirking at me, though the scar on his left shoulder was glaring. The one he got the first mission we had together when I was too proud and too annoying to let him help me.

My Ghost. I smiled to myself. He had always wanted to protect me somehow even when we didn't know each other that well. I remembered our first encounter, the time I cut my finger and saw the way he flinched to reach out to me. The time I hit my head in that vehicle accident and he carried me out and made sure I was well enough to continue with the mission. The time I jumped from the cliff and he caught me in the air with an injured shoulder. The motherfucking air, bro.

And then when I was kidnapped by Graves, how he made sure to find me and punished the man who did the damage. Then took care of me afterward, and cleaned me slowly before running a bath and taking it with me. How he did things for me because my hand was broken, like brushing my hair or cutting my meat.

Remembering all of that, I realized I had indeed brought many problems to Ghost's life. Still, he was here, he wanted me, and still, he continued to take care of me. I should be ashamed, but how could I deny him?

My hands itched with the urge to touch him, so I crawled toward him and placed my hand on his back, feeling the way his muscles flexed under my touch. Butterflies erupted all over my body as I ran my palm around his middle until my arm was wrapped around his torso. I pressed my lips to his shoulder before resting my cheek on it.

"Thank you," I said. Two words that were meant for many things, for many moments, but most importantly for holding me tight last night and keeping me upright.

Ghost didn't say anything, but the squeeze of his hand on my own said it all.

Te quiero, I said in my mind, the term that meant 'I love you' in Spanish but was considered more casual. I was halfway to that, halfway to loving him. There was still a bump in the way that I couldn't seem to get over it. Despite him opening up to me two days ago, I still knew too little about Ghost. I wanted to know everything about him, every detail, every memory, every secret.

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