𝐂𝐇. 77

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     The knife in my throat dug deeper but not enough to kill me. Still, I cried out because of the pain, hoping Ghost heard me on the other side. "Now hush, hush, wildcat," Morris whispered in my ear, his breath brushing my neck and giving me goosebumps. It was fucking disgusting, having this traitor's hands on me, but there was nothing I could do yet. "We don't want Ghost hearing you just yet, do we?"

"What do you want?"

"It's not a matter of what I want, it's a matter of what I am being paid for."

I frowned, confused. What did this sicko want? I heard him saying on the phone something about what to do with her, so was it about me? But what did that mean? That someone was paying to hurt me? Kidnap me? Worse, kill me? I had no enemies at the moment, so who could be paying him to do this? To do what, exactly? It sounded wrong. Something was wrong.

Unless this wasn't about me.

Everything slowly sunk in. "This is about Ghost, isn't it?" Now I knew what Ghost's 'danger' was, and there I was thinking it was nothing, because I trusted Max Morris but turned out he was the traitor all along. Ghost was right when he said I shouldn't trust anyone, not even him. I made a mistake and probably made this situation so much worse for us.

"I wasn't sure how I was going to get him out of this building alive," Morris continued with a chuckle, pushing me to walk forward. "But you came right in, making it so much easier for me. You are his only weakness, aren't you, sweetheart?"

"He couldn't care less about me," I lied.

"Are you certain about that?" he argued. "That he wouldn't trade places with you if I threatened your life?"

"He won't. He's only gonna let me die," I lied, again, terrified that in reality, Ghost would do anything to get me out alive, even die in the process.

"Hmm, then you are as well as dead."

"Ghost," I heard in my earbud Soap's strangled voice. "Watch the window."

A distant shot rang across the place and I knew instantly that it was Ghost shooting into the distance, which only meant he was shooting at the building in front of us, which meant he hadn't heard my cry and remained clueless. And when I heard his voice through the radio, telling all stations that Hassan was down, I was half
relieved and half worried. The mission was over. However, now we had something worse coming at us, and no one knew that it was happening.

My stomach dropped as we approached Ghost. This was so much worse. Morris was going to use me, and Ghost was going to surrender, just like he did on that rooftop in Las Almas a couple of days ago. I couldn't let that happen. Not again.

We turned around the helicopter and I saw him by the edge in the same spot. Straightening, Ghost set his gun on the edge and spun around to the sound of my voice as I called out his name. His eyes landed on mine, then on Morris and the knife on my throat threatening my life. A gun joined the threat, the cold metal pressing against my temple. My emotions came rushing in, and for the first time in a while, I was scared, like something bad was about to happen. I wasn't sure how I was getting out of this. Morris was using me as a shield and leverage at the same time. If Ghost wanted to shoot him, it was going to be right through me.

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