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You can't kill a ghost, baby.

     If you asked around, everyone knew Ghost. From the most feared to the friendliest kind of people. From our enemies to our allies. Even part of civilization knew who Ghost was. The man hiding under a skull mask. The same who came back from the death untouchable, unstoppable, aching for revenge.

But let's get serious, who was Ghost in reality?

In my humble opinion, Ghost was reserved, responsible, the quietest one in the room. He was the kind of person that stood at the back of the crowd and was okay with that. The one that avoided the questions and rather stay unknown.

Ghost was a ghost. He was the spectator. He liked to observe, with those lazy brown eyes that were the only part of his face that stood up for himself. I knew behind those eyes that he had opinions he didn't want to share, didn't care to share. Smart opinions, facts, words that would be nice to hear, that should be heard.

He was the moon, the dark, the silence, the cold, the yin to my yang. Ghost trusted nobody, not even himself, not even me. Yes, he came back from the death, came back to take those who let their guard down. Ghost was the Grim Reaper himself.

Everyone knew Ghost. From the little kid in the park to the old woman in the bakery. The man hiding under a skull mask. The unstoppable Grim Reaper, who was here to take everyone on his way.

The man who was once Simon Riley.

And that's why I think Ghost was just a simple facade.


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